Formerly Key Mapper
An easy to use tool to change the mapping of your input device buttons.
Supports mice, keyboards, gamepads, X11, Wayland, combined buttons and programmable macros.
Allows mapping non-keyboard events (click, joystick, wheel) to keys of keyboard devices.
Usage - Macros - Installation - Development - Screenshots - Examples
pacaur -S input-remapper-git
Get a .deb file from the release page or install the latest changes via:
sudo apt install git python3-setuptools gettext
git clone
cd input-remapper && ./scripts/
sudo apt install ./dist/input-remapper-1.4.2.deb
input-remapper is now part of Debian Unstable
Dependencies: python3-evdev
≥1.3.0, gtksourceview4
, python3-devel
, python3-pydantic
Python packages need to be installed globally for the service to be able to import them. Don't use --user
sudo pip install evdev -U # If newest version not in distros repo
sudo pip uninstall key-mapper # In case the old package is still installed
sudo pip install --no-binary :all: git+
sudo systemctl enable input-remapper
sudo systemctl restart input-remapper
If it doesn't seem to install, you can also try sudo python3 install