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OpenID Connect support for the Shibboleth Identity Provider v3


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OpenId Connect for Shibboleth Identity Provider v3 License



An instance of this codebase is presently running on Heroku. You may need to refresh the page twice to wake up the instance as idle timeouts may cause it to go down.


We are working on adding support for the OpenID Connect protocol to the Shibboleth Identity Provider v3. Realistically, these are the items we are planning to address:

  • Authorization code workflow
  • Dynamic discovery
  • Administration and registration of OIDC RPs with the IdP.
  • Ability to resolve, consume and release OIDC claims, taking advantage of IdP's machinery to release attributes.
  • Ability to configure an expiration and revocation policy around OIDC access and refresh tokens from an admin perspective.

Note that no significant UI enhancements are taken into account. All configuration and changes are directly assumed to be applied to the IdP config without the presence of a web interface to facilitate. This includes administration and management of metadata, authZ codes and more.



The following may be considered in future versions:

  • Hybrid flow
  • Implicit flow
  • Dynamic RP registration
  • Logout
  • Web UIs that facilitate managing tokens, whitelisted/blacklisted RPs, etc.



The OIDC support is provided via the MITREid Connect project. It is itself based on Spring Security OAuth which itself in turn is based on Spring Security. So, the design principal of this extension is to mostly adapt the above frameworks to what the Shibboleth IdP framework provides in terms of authentication and attribute resolution. Also note that that MITREid Connect is entirely Spring annotations-based when it comes to wiring up the components. Spring Security OAuth also uses various annotations to respond to endpoint requests. Such changes also need to be accounted for in the IdP as it does not presently use a native model for annotation-based configuration of components.


The following endpoints are exposed by this extension:

  • /idp/profile/oidc/token
  • /idp/profile/oidc/authorize
  • /idp/profile/oidc/jwk
  • /idp/profile/oidc/userinfo
  • /idp/.well-known

Each of these endpoints is protected via Spring Security, and configured in oidc-protocol-endpoints.xml. Spring Security OAuth itself presents various components that respond to framework endpoints and handles the OAuth functionality. In this extension, these endpoints are merely registered to note the new URL endpoint within the IdP framework.


MITREid Connect ships with a JPA implementation already that is responsible for managing the persistence of various tokens and the configuration of available/supported scopes, clients, etc. This extension leverages that functionality and configures a by-default inmemory database instance inside oidc-protocol-storage.xml. The database choice and driver are controllable via IdP settings inside



Note that the default schema provided by this extension assumes a HSQLDB database. If you wish to use a different database, you will need to provide an different schema. Additional schemas are provieded in the conf directory for various databases. The following databases are supported:

  1. HSQL
  2. Postgres
  3. MySQL
  4. Oracle

System Scopes

Systems scopes are directly provided in the IdP configuration inside the oidc-protocol-scopes.xml. An adopter may choose to ignore/remove scopes that are deemed unsupported.


Registration of clients is now directly provided in the IdP configuration inside the oidc-protocol.xml.


The OIDC issuer is controlled via the file:



There are various other authentication manager/provider components registered in oidc-protocol-system.xml that handle backchannel authentication requests for tokens and userinfo data. These are primarily based on Spring Security and MITREid Connect extensions of Spring Security. Additionally, auto-registration of MITREid Connect annotation-aware components as well as all other components registered in this extension is handled here.


This extension ships with a default encryption/signing components defined in the oidc-protocol-system.xml. A default JWKS is also provided which can be controlled via at:


This file is presently not reloaded on changes, and its associated context is also not yet reloadable. Key rotations for the default keystore must happen manually, and require a restart for the time being.

Note that every client registered in the IdP is also able to specify an endpoint for its JWKS.


Client definitions are managed in the database by default. They may also be defined in oidc-protocol.xml and upon startup, they will be imported into the running database of choice where definitions will either be saved or updated.

<util:set id="oidcClients">
    <bean class="org.mitre.oauth2.model.ClientDetailsEntity"
            p:clientName="Sample Client">

        <property name="scope">
            <bean class="org.springframework.util.StringUtils" factory-method="commaDelimitedListToSet">
                <constructor-arg type="java.lang.String" value="openid,profile,email,address,phone,offline_access"/>
        <property name="grantTypes">
            <bean class="org.springframework.util.StringUtils" factory-method="commaDelimitedListToSet">
                <constructor-arg type="java.lang.String" value="authorization_code,implicit,refresh_token"/>
        <property name="redirectUris">


Claims can be configured as normal attribute definitions in the IdP. All standard claims that are present in the specification are supported. Here is an example of a claim:

<AttributeDefinition xsi:type="Simple" id="family_name" sourceAttributeID="family_name">
    <Dependency ref="staticAttributes" />
    <DisplayName>Family Name</DisplayName>

Note that attribute encoders are not needed since the JSON transformation is handled directly via the underlying frameworks. Also, claims can be filtered in turn by the IdP itself via the normal attribute filtering policy. Here is an example:

<AttributeFilterPolicy id="default">
    <PolicyRequirementRule xsi:type="Requester" value="client" />

    <AttributeRule attributeID="family_name">
        <PermitValueRule xsi:type="ANY" />

The requester (i.e. EntityID) is always the clientId of the client registered in the IdP.

Note that each client is able to specify which scopes it supports. This allows a second level of granularity where an adopter may choose to support only specific claims within a system scope.


Authorization Code Flow

This extension registered an authentication flow for OIDC inside oidc/login/login-flow.xml whose beans are configured inside oidc/login/login-beans.xml. A typical walkthrough of the authentication flow is as such:

  • The client makes a request to /idp/.well-known to discover endpoints for OIDC conversation.
  • The IdP's /idp/.well-known endpoint presents a JSON envelope that contains everything the client needs to know for dynamic discovery.
  • The client makes a request to /idp/profile/oidc/authorize endpoint which is first handled by Spring Security OAuth.
  • Since the request requires an existing authentication to succeed, Spring Security OAuth throws a InsufficientAuthenticationException.
  • The IdP is configured to ignore the this exception so that downstream Spring Security components/filters can process it later. This is done via mvc-beans.xml.
  • ExceptionTranslationFilter of Spring Security kicks in and attempts to handle the request. The request is then routed to Spring Security for authentication.
  • The Idp has configured Spring Security for form-based authentication, which allows the request to be routed to a login endpoint for authentication.
  • The login endpoints invokes Spring Webflow to recall the OIDC login flow to start the flow.
  • The login flow eventually reaches the authentication state allowing for end-user login.
  • Once the authentication is successful, the result is then POSTed back to Spring Security to resume the /idp/profile/oidc/authorize endpoint functionality.
  • The /idp/profile/oidc/authorize will proceed to issue a code for the given request does a POST back to the client.
  • The client asks the /idp/profile/oidc/token endpoint for an access token, via the code received.
  • Spring Security OAuth, having recognized an existing authentication session issues an access token back along with an idToken in a JWT format.
  • The client validates the access token and the idToken, optionally invoking the /idp/profile/oidc/jwk endpoint to verify the idToken.
  • The client will use the access token to issue a request to /idp/profile/oidc/userinfo to grab claims.

There are many many other permutations of this flow, and many additional extension parameters that could be passed. To learn about all that is possible in this flow, Study the basics of the specification.

Hybrid Flow

The hybrid flow is virtually identical to the authorication code flow, except that upon authorization requests the response_type parameter must be set to id_token token.

Authentication Context/Method Ref

This extension supports the acr/amr claims. If the client requests a specific acr_value in the original request, the IdP attempts to calculate whether that value is indeed supported by any of the authentication flows. If none is deemed viable, the authentication context weight map of the IdP is consulted to figure out the appropriate acr. The result is passed onto the IdP for authentication.

Since MITREid Connect at this point does not natively support acr/amr claims, an implementation of a claim service is provided by this extension to handle acr/amr claims for the client.

Max-Age, AuthN Time

This extension supports the max_age and auth_time claims. If max_age is provided in the original request, the IdP attempts to calculate the authentication creation instant and may simulate a forcedAuthN so the end-user is actively reauthenticated.

Since MITREid Connect's support for these claims is strictly tied to an authentication that is very much handled by Spring Security ( as a requirement for Spring Security OAuth), a custom service is provided by this extension to handle the production of max_age and auth_time.

Default IdP Configuration

Follow the below steps if you wish to enable this extension inside a vanilla IdP v3 deployment. Note that synchronization of changes, as we make progress here, is entirely manual at this point.


git clone [email protected]:uchicago/shibboleth-oidc.git

Or download a zip distribution.

Build the codebase via:

./mvn[w] clean package -P new

Cross Examine Changes

Unzip the idp-webapp-overlay/target/idp.war artifact into an idp-temp. This will be used as a reference to copy configuration into your IdP deployment.

  • Cross examine the idp-temp/WEB-INF/web.xml with your IdP and apply all differences.
  • Cross examine the idp-temp/idp/views/login.vm and idp-temp/idp/views/intercept/attribute-release.vm with your IdP and apply all differences.
  • Cross examine the idp-temp/idp/system/conf/global-system.xml with your IdP and apply all differences.
  • Cross examine the idp-temp/idp/system/conf/webflow-config.xml with your IdP and apply all differences.
  • Cross examine the idp-temp/idp/conf/mvc-beans.xml with your IdP and apply all differences.
  • Cross examine the idp-temp/idp/conf/ with your IdP and apply all differences.
  • Cross examine the idp-temp/idp/conf/attribute-resolver.xml with your IdP and apply all differences.
  • Cross examine the idp-temp/idp/conf/attribute-filter.xml with your IdP and apply all differences.
  • Cross examine the idp-temp/idp/conf/relying-party.xml with your IdP and apply all differences.

Copy Configuration

  • Copy idp-temp/idp/conf/, idp-temp/idp/conf/oidc-protocol.xml into $IDP_HOME/conf
  • Copy the directory idp-temp/idp/conf/schema to $IDP_HOME/conf/
  • Copy idp-temp/idp/credentials/keystore.jwks into $IDP_HOME/credentials
  • Copy idp-temp/idp/system/conf/oidc-protocol-*.xml into $IDP_HOME/system/conf
  • Copy idp-temp/idp/system/flows/oidc into $IDP_HOME/system/flows
  • Copy idp-temp/idp/system/views/oidc into $IDP_HOME/system/views

Copy JARs

Cross examine the idp-temp/WEB-INF/lib directory with your IdP and copy all JARs that are not present.


The following packages may be used for log configuration:

<logger name="org.mitre" level="WARN" />
<logger name="org.hibernate" level="WARN" />

<logger name="org.springframework.web" level="WARN" />
<logger name="org.springframework.webflow" level="WARN" />
<logger name="" level="WARN" />
<logger name="" level="WARN" />
<logger name="net.shibboleth.idp.oidc" level="WARN" />

Overlay IdP Configuration

The project itself follows an overlay-module where the IdP is configured to embed all of its configuration inside the final war artifact. In doing so, the following changes are then overlaid into the IdP context and need to be accounted for during IdP upgrades.

  • login.vm and attribute-release.vm are overlaid to account for CSRF changes
  • password-authn-config.xml is overlaid to indicate JAAS is used for authN.
  • global-system.xml registers the oidc-protocol-system file
  • webflow-config.xml is overlaid to add the OIDC flow configuration.
  • mvc-beans.xml is used in the overlay conf directory to override the default beans and config.
  • This is used to define a new view resolver based on Spring bean names and remaps the excluded exceptions from the view resolver.
  • A custom JAR is dropped into the overlay's WEB-INF/lib that mocks authentication. This is configured via the jaas.config file.
  • controls the OIDC module configuration. This is appended to the list of property files loaded by the IdP via
  • web.xml is modified to register the .well-known endpoint and also registers the spring security filters.

Build Build Status

In order to run the overlay build, examine the /conf/ inside the idp-webapp-overlay module, and adjust the values of hostname, entityId, passwords, etc. Then from the command prompt, execute:

Initial installs

./mvn[w] clean install -P new

This will wipe out any previous files inside credentials and metadata directories and start anew.

Subsequent installs

./mvn[w] clean install

Run IdP

Prepare HTTPS

You will also need to set up a keystore under /etc/jetty and name it thekeystore. The keystore password and the key password should both be changeit.

A sample keystore is provided under the idp-webapp-overlay/etc/jetty directory that is empty, and can be used to set up the environment.

Run Jetty

From the root directory, run the following command:

./mvn[w] clean package verify -Dhost=jetty

This will spin up an embedded Jetty server to load the IdP context. Remote debugging is available under port 5000 from your IDE.

If you want a somewhat faster build, run:

./mvn[w] clean package verify -Dhost=jetty --projects idp-oidc-impl,idp-webapp-overlay

Scripted as:


Run Client Application


The client is automatically and by default pre=registered with IdP under It runs inside a Jetty instance that is configured to use port 9443 and the same keystore the IdP uses for simplicity.

Dockerized IdP Configuration

The Shibboleth IdP along with a sample PHP application protected by the Shibboleth SP and a sample OpenID Connect enabled application are all put together inside docker containers, controlled mostly via the docker-compose.yml file.

The Shibboleth IdP that runs inside the docker container is itself an overlay of the idp-webapp-overlay project that only overrides what is needed for the docker build to run successfully.


git clone [email protected]:uchicago/shibboleth-oidc.git

Build the codebase via:

./mvn[w] clean package -P new


  • Copy and overwrite the generated idp-metadata.xml from the idp-webapp-overlay project over to then idp-webapp-overlay-docker project.
  • Adjust the newly copied idp-metadata.xml file, changing entityId and endpoint references to idptestbed.
  • Exchange the newly adjusted idp-metadata.xml file with the sp.
  • Add idptestbed to your hosts file.


The run the container:
