Requires NodeJS to be installed on your machine. Works with version 4 and higher!
The Sass is compiled using libsass, which requires the GCC to be installed on your machine. Windows users can install it through MinGW, and Mac users can install it through the Xcode Command-line Tools.
We recommend using for static sites and application prototypes.
To get going with UCLA Branded Foundation in an existing project, run the following command in a directory/folder of your choice.
git submodule add -b develop -f bower_components/foundation-sites
Which will create a .gitmodules file containing
[submodule "bower_components/foundation-sites"]
path = bower_components/foundation-sites
url =
branch = develop
It'd be a little bit cleaner to use bowerlink.
Then run npm start
to compile the documentation. When it finishes, a new browser window will open pointing to a BrowserSync server displaying the documentation.
Want the guided tour to Foundation from the team that built it? The ZURB team offers comprehensive training courses for developers of all skill levels. If you're new to Foundation, check out the Introduction to Foundation Course to kickstart your skills, amplify your productivity, and get a comprehensive overview of everything Foundation has to offer. More Advanced users should check out the Advanced Foundation Course to learn the Advanced skills that ZURB uses to deliver quality client work in short timeframes.
Foundation has three kinds of tests: JavaScript, Sass, and visual regression. Refer to our testing guide for more details.
These commands will run the various tests:
npm run test:sass
npm run test:javascript:phantomjs
npm run test:visual
Once installed you can pull down the latest version inside your application by running
git submodule update --remote foundation-sites
Foundation uses Gulp and SuperCollider to generate its documentation pages. Documentation can also be run from your local computer.
You'll want to clone the Foundation repo first and install all the dependencies. You can do this using the following commands:
git clone [email protected]:ucla/foundation-sites.git
cd foundation-sites
npm install
Then just run npm start
and the documentation will be compiled. It will also launch an instance of BrowserSync and open a tab in your default browser.
The file structure:
├── dist/
│ └── ...
├── docs/
│ └── ...