A MJPEG Framework for iOS
MJPEGConnection is a NSURLConnection subclass that takes an url, username and password. It has a responseDidFinisch callback that pass through each received image data
MJPEGImageView is a UIImageView subclass that has a MJPEGConnection and updates the image
You can find an example project on GitHub: ugoArangino/MJPEG-Framework-Example I use this Framework for my app IP-Camera Viewer
@IBOutlet weak var mjpegImageView: MJPEGImageView!
let urlString = "http://wmccpinetop.axiscam.net/mjpg/video.mjpg"
if let url = NSURL(string: urlString) {
let connectionData = ConnectionData(URL: url)
mjpegImageView.setupMJPEGConnection(connectionData: connectionData)
Make sure that the class of the UIImageView
outlet is MJPEGImageView
and the Module is MJPEG
Install with Carthage
github "ugoArangino/MJPEG-Framework" >= 1.0.0
I have extended #AlamofireImage for dealing with #MJPEG-Streams