The wildebeest scripts investigate, repair and normalize text for a wide range of issues at the character level.
wb-ana (or
This script searches a tokenized text for a range of potential problems, such as UTF-8 encoding violations, control characters, zero-with characters, letters/numbers/punctuation/letter-modifiers from various scripts (e.g. Latin and Cyrillic), tokens with letters from different scripts, XML tokens, tokens with certain punctuation of interest, orphan letter modifiers, non-canonical character combinations.
wb-norm (or
This script automatically corrects some of the issues raised by wb-ana. The script can repair common encoding errors, normalize characters into their UTF8-canonical form, map digits and some punctuation to ASCII, delete many non-printable characters and perform other repair, normalization and cleaning steps. A few steps are specific to Pashto, Farsi, or Devanagari (Hindi etc.). Normalization steps can be activated à la carte.
Click here for installation info
# Install from PyPi:
pip install wildebeest-nlp
# Alternatively, pip-install from GitHub master branch:
pip install git+
# Alternatively, clone GitHub, which might be useful for editing/development:
git clone
# or git clone git://
cd wildebeest
pip install --editable . # run it from dir having
A pip-install will provide commands wb-norm
and wb-ana
as well as their alternate forms
After a regular git clone
(without pip-install), in order to be able to call the Python scripts
, make sure that:
are executable (i.e. 'x' mode bits are set)- your $PYTHONPATH includes the directory in which this README file resides in ("outer wildebeest") and
- your $PATH includes the directory that includes
("inner wildebeest")
The script repairs common encoding errors, normalizes characters into their canonical form, deletes many non-printable characters and performs other repair, normalization and cleaning steps. The script can be parameterized to include or exclude specific normalization steps (e.g. whether or not to map non-ASCII digits and punctuation to ASCII). A few steps are specific to Pashto, Farsi, or Devanagari (Hindi etc.).
CLI to normalize a file: wb-norm
usage: wb-norm [-h] [-i INPUT-FILENAME] [-o OUTPUT-FILENAME] [--lc LANGUAGE-CODE] [--skip NORM-STEPS]
[--add NORM-STEPS] [--all] [--all-except NORM-STEPS] [--only NORM-STEPS] [-v] [--version]
# or [-h] ...
Normalizes and cleans a given text
-h, --help show this help message and exit
(default: STDIN)
(default: STDOUT)
--lc LANGUAGE-CODE ISO 639-3, e.g. 'fas' for Persian
--skip NORM-STEPS perform all default normalization/cleaning steps except those specified in comma-separated list
(default normalization/cleaning steps: repair-encoding-errors,del-surrogate,del-ctrl-char,
--add NORM-STEPS perform all default normalization/cleaning steps plus those specified in comma-separated list
(non-default normalization/cleaning steps: del-zero-width,del-arabic-diacr,del-hebrew-diacr,
--all perform all normalization/cleaning steps, i.e. repair-encoding-errors,del-surrogate,
--all-except NORM-STEPS
perform all normalization/cleaning steps except those specified in comma-separated list
--only NORM-STEPS perform only normalization/cleaning steps specified in comma-separated list
-v, --verbose write change log etc. to STDERR
--version show program's version number and exit
wb-norm -h # for full usage info
wb-norm --version
cd `pip show wildebeest-nlp | grep ^Location | cut -d ' ' -f 2` # go to directory where wildebeest-nlp is installed
cd wildebeest/test/data
wb-norm --lc fas -i wildebeest-test.txt -o wildebeest-test-norm.txt
wb-norm --lc fas --verbose --skip del-ctrl-char,del-tatweel < wildebeest-test.txt > wildebeest-test-norm-custom.txt
wb-norm --all < wildebeest-test.txt > wildebeest-test-norm-all.txt
wb-norm --all-except del-arabic-diacr,del-hebrew-diacr < wildebeest-test.txt
wb-norm --only del-arabic-diacr,del-hebrew-diacr < wildebeest-test.txt
wb-norm --add del-arabic-diacr,del-hebrew-diacr --skip del-ctrl-char,del-tatweel < wildebeest-test.txt
Same for alternate script name -h # for full usage info --version
cd `pip show wildebeest-nlp | grep ^Location | cut -d ' ' -f 2`
cd wildebeest/test/data --lc fas -i wildebeest-test.txt -o wildebeest-test-norm.txt --lc fas --verbose --skip del-ctrl-char,del-tatweel < wildebeest-test.txt > wildebeest-test-norm-custom.txt --all < wildebeest-test.txt > wildebeest-test-norm-all.txt --all-except del-arabic-diacr,del-hebrew-diacr < wildebeest-test.txt --only del-arabic-diacr,del-hebrew-diacr < wildebeest-test.txt --add del-arabic-diacr,del-hebrew-diacr --skip del-ctrl-char,del-tatweel < wildebeest-test.txt
Note: For robustness regarding input files that do not fully conform to UTF8, please use -i (rather than STDIN), as it includes UTF8-encoding error handling.
norm_clean_string (Python function call to normalize a string)
Note: When working on a clone (as opposed to a pip-install), please make sure that your $PYTHONPATH includes the directory in which this README file resides.
from wildebeest.wb_normalize import Wildebeest
wb = Wildebeest()
ht = wb.build_norm_step_dict(base='ALL') # base values: 'NONE', 'DEFAULT', 'ALL' (normalization steps)
# ht = wb.build_norm_step_dict() # defaults: base = 'DEFAULT', skip = None, add = None
# ht = wb.build_norm_step_dict(base='NONE', add=['digit', 'enclosure']) # normalize only digits (to ASCII) and enclosures
# ht = wb.build_norm_step_dict(base='DEFAULT', skip=['del-tatweel'], add=['digit', 'space'])
# ht = wb.build_norm_step_dict(base='ALL', skip=['punct-dash', 'enclosure', 'del-arabic-diacr'])
wb.load_look_alike_file() # optional
print(wb.norm_clean_string('🄐…25km²', ht, lang_code='eng'))
print(wb.norm_clean_string('೧೯೨೩', ht, lang_code='kan'))
The script can perform a wide variety of normalization steps.
- 12 normalization steps are performed by default, including basic character repair and UTF8 encoding normalization. The default is generally suitable for applications that largely need to preserve the original text.
- Another 25 normalization steps are available through options
--add (list of steps)
,--all-except (list of steps)
. The--all
settings are suitable for many NLP applications. - Default normalization steps can be disabled by option
--skip (list of steps)
. - Option
--only (list of steps)
applies only the normalization steps listed (without default normalization steps unless explicitly listed). - Option
--all-except (list of steps)
is equivalent to--all --skip (list of steps)
List of normalization steps included by default
The script generally expects input encoded in UTF8. However, it will recognize and repair some common text encoding errors:- (Some) text is still encoded in Windows1252 or Latin1. Any byte that is not part of a well-formed UTF8 character will be interpreted as a Windows1252 character (and mapped to UTF8). This includes printable Latin1 characters as a subset.
- Text in Windows1252 was incorrectly converted to UTF8 by a Latin1-to-UTF8 converter. This maps Windows1252 characters \x80-\x9F to \u0080-\uu009F, which is the Unicode block of C1 control characters. These C1 control characters are extremely rare, and so our script will interpret such C1 control characters as ill-converted Windows1252 characters, as do many major software applications such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Outlook, Github (text files) and PyCharm (where they are often displayed in a slightly different form).
- Text in Windows1252 or Latin1 was converted twice, using some combination of Latin1-to-UTF8 converter and Windows1252-to-UTF converter; or a file already in UTF8 was incorrectly subjected to another conversion. Sample wildebeest repair:
- Input: Don�t tell your �fiancé� � Schöne Grü�e aus Mähren� � Ma s�ur trouve ça «bête». ¡Coño! �50 � 25km² � ½µm
- Output: Don’t tell your “fiancé” — Schöne Grüße aus Mähren… – Ma sœur trouve ça «bête». ¡Coño! €50 • 25km² • ½µm
deletes surrogate characters (representing non-UTF8 characters in input), alternative/backup to windows-1252del-ctrl-char
deletes control characters (expect tab and linefeed), some variation selectorsdel-tatweel
deletes Arabic tatweel (a text alignment character that increases the distance between Arabic letters)core-compat
normalizes Hangul Compatibility characters to Unicode standard Hangul characterspres-form
e.g. maps from presentation form (isolated, initial, medial, final) to standard formhangul
combine Hangul jamos onto Hangul syllablesrepair-combining
e.g. order of nukta/vowel-signcombining-compose
e.g. applies combining-modifiers to preceding character, e.g. ö (o + ̈) -> öcombining-decompose
e.g. for some Indian characters, splits off Nuktarepair-xml
e.g. repairs multi-escaped tokens such as " or &#x200C;repair-url-escapes
e.g. repairs multi-escaped url substrings such as Jo%25C3%25ABlle_Aubron
List of additional normalization steps included by --all option
deletes zero-width characters, byte order mark, directional marks, join marksarabic-char
to Arabic canonical forms, e.g. maps Farsi kaf/yeh to Arabic versionsfarsi-char
to Farsi canonical forms, e.g. maps Arabic yeh, kaf to Farsi versionspashto-char
to Pashto canonical forms, e.g. maps Arabic kaf to Farsi versiongeorgian-char
to Georgian canonical forms, e.g. to standard script, map archaic charactersligatures
e.g. decomposes non-Arabic ligatures (e.g. ij, ffi, DŽ, ﬓ)signs-and-symbols
e.g. maps symbols (e.g. kappa symbol) and signs (e.g. micro sign µ)cjk
e.g. CJK square composites (e.g. ㋀㏾)width
e.g. maps fullwidth and halfwidth characters to ASCII, e.g. A to Afont
maps font-variations characters such as ℂ, ℹ, 𝒜 to regular characterssmall
maps small versions of characters to normal versions, such as small ampersand ﹠ to regular &vertical
maps vertical versions of punctuation characters with normal horizontal version, such as vertical em-dash ︱ to horizontal em-dash —enclosure
decomposes circled, squared and parenthesized characters, e.g. 🄐 to (A)del-arabic-diacr
e.g. deletes optional Arabic diacritics such as fatha, damma, kasradel-hebrew-diacr
e.g. deletes Hebrew pointsdigit
e.g. maps decimal-system digits of 54 scripts to ASCII digitspunct
e.g. maps ellipsis … to periods ... and two-dot-lead ‥ to ..; a few math symbols ∭; ⒛ 🄆punct-dash
e.g. maps various dashes, hyphens, minus signs to ASCII hyphen-minuspunct-arabic
e.g. Arabic exclamation mark etc. to ASCII equivalentpunct-cjk
e.g. Chinese Ideographic Full Stop etc. to ASCII equivalentpunct-greek
e.g. Greek question mark etc. to ASCII equivalentpunct-misc-f
e.g. Tibetan punctuation to ASCII equivalentspace
e.g. maps non-zero spaces to normal spacelook-alike
normalizes Latin/Cyrillic/Greek look-alike characters, e.g. Latin character A to Greek Α (capital alpha) in otherwise Greek wordrepair-token
e.g. splits +/-/*/digits off Arabic words; maps not-sign inside Arabic to token-separating hyphen
Script searches a tokenized text for a range of potential problems, such as UTF-8 encoding violations, control characters, zero-with characters, letters/numbers/punctuation/letter-modifiers from various scripts, tokens with letters from different scripts, XML tokens, tokens with certain punctuation of interest, orphan letter modifiers, non-canonical character combinations.
CLI to analyze a file: wb-ana
usage: wb-ana [-h] [-i INPUT-FILENAME] [--batch BATCH] [-s] [-o OUTPUT-FILENAME] [-j JSON-OUTPUT-FILENAME] [--file_id FILE_ID]
[--lc LANGUAGE-CODE] [-v] [-pb] [-n MAX_CASES] [-x MAX_EXAMPLES] [-r REF-FILENAME] [--version]
# or [-h] ...
Analyzes a given text for a wide range of anomalies
-h, --help show this help message and exit
(default: STDIN)
--batch BATCH_DIR Directory with batch of input files (BATCH_DIR/*.txt)
-s, --summary single summary line per file
(default: STDOUT)
(default: None)
--file_id FILE_ID
--lc LANGUAGE-CODE ISO 639-3, e.g. 'fas' for Persian
-v, --verbose write change log etc. to STDERR
-pb, --progress_bar Show progress bar
-n MAX_CASES, --max_cases MAX_CASES
max number of cases per group
-x MAX_EXAMPLES, --max_examples MAX_EXAMPLES
max number of examples per line
(optional file with sentence reference IDs)
--version show program's version number and exit
wb-ana --help
echo 'Hеllο!' | wb-ana # 'Hеllο!' mischievously includes a Cyrillic and a Greek character
echo 'Hеllο!' | wb-norm --all | wb-ana # different result
cd `pip show wildebeest-nlp | grep ^Location | cut -d ' ' -f 2` # go to directory where wildebeest-nlp is installed
cd wildebeest/test/data
wb-ana -i hello.txt
wb-ana -i wildebeest-test.txt -o wildebeest-test-out
wb-ana --batch phrasebook -s -o phrasebook-dir-out
wb-ana -i phrasebook/deu.txt -r phrasebook/eng.txt -o phrasebook-deu-out
wb-ana -i wildebeest-test-invalid-utf8.txt
Same for alternate script name --help
echo 'Hеllο!' |
echo 'Hеllο!' | --all |
cd `pip show wildebeest-nlp | grep ^Location | cut -d ' ' -f 2`
cd wildebeest/test/data -i hello.txt -i wildebeest-test.txt -o wildebeest-test-out --batch phrasebook -s -o phrasebook-dir-out -i phrasebook/deu.txt -r phrasebook/eng.txt -o phrasebook-deu-out -i wildebeest-test-invalid-utf8.txt
wildebeest.wb_analysis.process (Python function call to analyze a string, a list of strings, or a file)
Note: When working on a clone (as opposed to a pip-install), please make sure that your $PYTHONPATH includes the directory in which this README file resides.
import pprint
import sys
import wildebeest.wb_analysis as wb_ana
wb = wb_ana.process(string="Hеllο!") # "Hеllο!" mischievously includes a Cyrillic and a Greek character
wb.pretty_print(sys.stdout) # custom pretty-print with OVERVIEW and DETAIL sections to STDOUT
pprint.pprint(wb.analysis) # generic pretty-print
import wildebeest.wb_analysis as wb_ana
wb = wb_ana.process(strings=["Hеllο!", "Tschüß"])
print(wb.analysis) # print analysis object (nested dictionary)
Assuming an input file corpus.txt
, e.g. built by:
printf 'Hеllο!\nTschüß\n' > corpus.txt
import wildebeest.wb_analysis as wb_ana
wb = wb_ana.process(in_file='corpus.txt')
import wildebeest.wb_analysis as wb_ana
with open(f'out.txt', 'w') as out, open('out.json', 'w') as json:
wb_ana.process(in_file='corpus.txt', pp_output=out, json_output=json)
Old Perl script searches a tokenized text for a range of potential problems, such as UTF-8 encoding violations, control characters, non-ASCII punctuation, characters from a variety of language groups, very long tokens, unsplit 's, unsplit punctuation, script mixing; split URLs, email addresses, filenames, XML tokens.
Reports the number of instances in each category and give examples. Currently available: (Perl) v2.6 (April 28, 2021)