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Molecular Systems MultiToolkit
This library was thought as a humble frontend to make the life of a computational molecular biology lab, the UIBCDF, easier. MolSysMT is design to cover specific needs, or to speed up workflows, when you are working with tools such as:
- MDTraj
- MDAnalysis
- PDBFix
- OpenMM
- Yank
- PyEmma
- ParmEd
- NGLview
- pdbtools?
Although MolSysMT was not concived to do what other tools do better, this toolkit can be used alone to do few simple tasks.
All credit should be given to the developers and mantainers of these former packages and the libraries they depend on.
Molecular Systems:
- Aqui deberia de ir todo el tema de la creacion del sistema molecular junto con parametros y topologia
- Deberia tambien estar esto preparado para trabajar con moleculas como ligandos.
poner ParmEd y OpenBabel:
Molecular Dynamics:
-Fortran Compiler (gfortran or intel fortran compiler) -Lapack ('conda install lapack' would work?)
Other python packages as those mentioned here(link to section) and included in this list(file).
git clone [email protected]:UIBCDF/MolSysMT.git
cd MolSysMT
python develop
pip uninstall molsysmt
To be written
All credit should be given to the developers and mantainers of the following tools and dependencies:
Diego Prada Gracia
Liliana M. Moreno Vargas
Cite the last version with the following DOI provided by Zenodo:
You can cite all versions by using the following DOI.
This DOI represents all versions, and will always resolve to the latest one:
Copyright (c) 2021, UIBCDF
Project based on the Computational Molecular Science Python Cookiecutter version 1.5.