Materials for EACL2024 tutorial: Transformer-specific Interpretability
Solve puzzles. Improve your pytorch.
My Advent of Code submissions. For 2021 and before, these are the original code I used, without any modifications after-the-fact. As such, they are probably not as efficient or short as they should…
Source files for "Learning Statistics with R"
Soft speech units for voice conversion
Facebook AI Research Sequence-to-Sequence Toolkit written in Python.
mainlp / spectral-probing
Forked from personads/spectralSpectral Probing (EMNLP 2022)
Tell stories of your work with Notion
A collection of useful scripts, templates, and examples for clusters using SLURM
aka "Bayesian Methods for Hackers": An introduction to Bayesian methods + probabilistic programming with a computation/understanding-first, mathematics-second point of view. All in pure Python ;)
Autoregressive Predictive Coding: An unsupervised autoregressive model for speech representation learning
Tutorial on ‘Graph-Based Meaning Representations: Design and Processing’ (ACL 2019)
Code for building ConceptNet from raw data.
Unsupervised Natural Language Parsing (Tutorial)
Annotations and code for the EMNLP 2018 paper 'Weeding out Conventionalized Metaphors: A Corpus of Novel Metaphor Annotations'
Second SIGMORPHON Shared Task on Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversions
Stack neural networks applied to hefty natural language tasks.
Code and data for paper Colorless Green Recurrent Networks Dream Hierarchically