MedPass is a decentralized blockchain application implementing smart contracts. The goal is to simulate how a E-Healthcare Application (green pass) could look like on a blockchain environment.
For building this application, we used:
- React for frontend
- web3.js for smart contract interaction
- Node.js as javascript runtime enviremont
- Truffle for blockchain & smart contract development
- Ganache for local blockchain deployment
- Solidity (v0.8.3) for smart contract.
Sebastian Chmel & Leo Bowen Wang
This is the 4th semester Project by Students from the University of Applied Sciences Campus Vienna.
- The system must identify each person with a unique key, generated from the WalletID.
- The system must be able to display a person's test result.
- The system must be able to generate a test result with Admin via smart contracts.
- The system must be able to generate a test result with UniqueID (WalletID+Block.Timestamp) via smart contracts.
- The system should be able to store vaccination type, vaccination dose amount.
- The system should be able to store the age of a person.
- The system could be able to generate a person-related QR code for tests.
- The system could store the vaccination dose inventory on the blockchain.
- The system could add and remove the vaccination dose inventory via smart contracts.
- The DApp will not be published in Mainnet.
- The DApp will not be maintained.
- The DApp will not be updated.
- The DApp will not be scaled.
In order to launch the commands below, make sure you have already installed node.js on your machine.
npm install -g truffle
cd app
npm install react-scripts react-bootstrap bootstrap boostrap-icons --save
npm install @drizzle/store @drizzle/react-plugin @drizzle/
npm install react-router-dom react-qr-code react-datepicker
npm install @chainlink/contracts --save
optional (for deployment):
cd app
npm install @truffle/hdwallet-provider
To launch the application, you need to compile the smart contract by using truffle migrate
truffle compile
truffle migrate
To launch the react application we need to do npm run start
cd app
npm run start
Install Ethereum CLI & generate account:
npm i -g eth-cli
eth address:random
Create a secrets.json in the project directory and add the generated account information, something like this: (Also add the projectId from your Infura Project with the Kovan Endpoint)
"projectId": "",
"address": "...",
"privateKey": "..."
Deploy your contracts by using:
truffle deploy --network kovan
Duplicate the secrets.json and add it to /app/src. Also define a "contractAddress" parameter with the deployed contract address.
For detailed documentation for Metamask Account setup in Truffle local blockchain, please visit: