GDP nowcast for the US
GitHub repository for archiving and developing xtabond2, by David Roodman
Udacity Data Scientist Nanodegree Capstone Project - Sparkify churn prediction
Final Project submitted for Microeconometrics course (SoSe 2020) at University of Bonn
Microeconometrics project by Federico Alexander Rizzuto.
Student Project for Microeconometrics 2019 by Burak Balaban
This repository contains the supporting files for some HW assignments completed for a graduate course in Cross Sectional or Microeconometrics. The course followed Cameron & Trivedi's
Implementation of basic macro models in various programming languages
All the data for the Public Policy Analytics book by Ken Steif can be downloaded from this repo
Repository for "Data Science for Public Policy: From Econometrics to AI" @ ETH Zurich, Spring 2024.
Multiobjective portfolio optimization with sustainability factors considered.
Data analysis of a real Czech bank.
Bank data Segmentation (RFM, Kmeans clusters)
To identify different segments in the existing customer, based on their spending patterns as well as past interaction with the bank, using clustering algorithms, and provide recommendations to the …
Stress Testing Financial Portfolios using S&P 500 Stock Data from Kaggle.
This repository is the result of our work for the course CSCI-SHU 360 Machine Learning
Quantitative Finance and Computational Macroeconomics project
This is a 12 classes course in Empirical Macroeconomics methods to identify shocks
For Growth and Development Class IDEA, PhD UAB
Explore how Natural Language Processing (NLP) can be used to assist in identifying and mapping climate-relevant literature using a supervised learning approach and leverage a state of the art Large…
2018-2-ex3-mbdf created by GitHub Classroom