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Markdown CLI Test

Test all the CLI commands and examples in your Markdown docs!

Install markdown-clitest

npm install -g markdown-clitest

Using markdown-clitest

Add comments in your Markdown files that tell markdown-clitest what to test

# Instructions for generating a random quote

First, install wikiquote-cli:

[This comment says to actually run the commands in the following code block.]
<!-- doctest command -->
npm install -g wikiquote-cli

[This comment runs wikiquote to confirm it got installed]
<!-- doctest exec { cmd: "wikiquote --help", matchRegex: "Get quotes from Wikiquote" } -->

Now you can get quotes!

[Run the command]
<!-- doctest command -->
wikiquote random "Steve Jobs"

[And check the output from the previous command]
<!-- doctest output { matchRegex: "-- Steve Jobs" } -->

Then run markdown-clitest on your Markdown file

markdown-clitest looks for the embedded test comments in your Markdown, executing commands you tag, checking output, and running other tests.

This example uses the -i flag to run in interactive mode.

$ ./bin/markdown-clitest -i

Changed to new cwd: '/src'
Running in temp dir: /tmp/clitest-PP2CZr
Testing file:

CWD: /tmp/clitest-PP2CZr
Command: npm install -g wikiquote-cli
Continue? [Yes, No, Skip] y
/usr/local/bin/wikiquote -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/wikiquote-cli/index.js
+ [email protected]
added 64 packages from 83 contributors in 2.598s

Output OK? [Yes, No] y

CWD: /tmp/clitest-PP2CZr
Command: wikiquote --help
Continue? [Yes, No, Skip] y
Get quotes from Wikiquote

Usage: wikiquote <cmd> [options]

  wikiquote cache <cmd>              issue cache commands
  wikiquote list <name> [options]    list quotes for a given page name
  wikiquote random <name> [options]  get a random quote from a page
  wikiquote search <query>           search for a page name
  wikiquote completion               generate completion script

  -v, --version  Show version number                           [boolean]
  -h, --help     Show help                                     [boolean]

  wikiquote random "Steve Jobs"
  wikiquote search "bill gates"

CWD: /tmp/clitest-PP2CZr
Command: wikiquote random "Steve Jobs"
Continue? [Yes, No, Skip] y
We have always been shameless about stealing great ideas.
Triumph of the Nerds (1996) -- Steve Jobs

Output OK? [Yes, No] y
Removing temp dir: /tmp/clitest-PP2CZr

Command Line Usage

Usage: markdown-clitest [options] <filepath>

  -i, --interactive  Ask for user input at each action
  --list             List actions, but do not run them
  --no-cleanup       Don't remove temporary directory on exit
  -h, --help         output usage information

When used with a single file, it must be a markdown file and only that
file will be tested.

When used with a directory, all markdown files in that directory will be
tested, ordered with first, followed by the remaining files sorted
by filename.

Releasing markdown-clitest

This project uses Conventional Commits with standard-version as the tool to manage releases.


standard-version appears to always use release type patch prior to v1.0.0, so the --release-as option is required for now.

To create a release:

git checkout master
git pull origin master

# Confirm what steps the release will perform
yarn run release --dry-run --release-as minor

# Create the release and publish
yarn run release --release-as minor
git push --follow-tags origin master
yarn publish