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βžΏπŸ”œπŸŒ² Simple, fast, powerful parser toolkit for JavaScript.


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nearley is a simple, fast and powerful parsing toolkit based on the Earley algorithm.

For this reason, nearley can often parse what other JavaScript parsers simply cannot! nearley can handle any grammar you can define in BNF... and also some grammars that you cannot define in BNF. Indeed, while most existing JS parsers such as PEGjs and Jison choke on certain grammars (in particular left recursive ones), nearley, handles them easily and efficiently.

nearley also has capabilities to catch errors gracefully, and deal with ambiguous grammars (for strings that can be parsed in multiple ways). It comes with fantastic tooling, and works in both node and the browser.

nearley is used by a wide variety of projects:

nearley is an npm staff pick.



The nearley compiler converts grammar definitions from a simple BNF-based syntax to a small JS module. You can use that module to construct a nearley parser, which parses input strings.

Both components are published as a single NPM package compatible with Node.js and most browsers.

To use the nearley parser, you need to install nearley locally.

$ npm install --save nearley

To use the nearley compiler, you need to additionally install nearley globally.

$ npm install -g nearley

This actually adds several new commands to your $PATH:

  • nearleyc compiles grammar files to JavaScript.
  • nearley-test lets you quickly test a grammar against some input and see the results. It also lets you explore the internal state of nearley's Earley table, in case you find that interesting.
  • nearley-unparse inverts a parser into a generator, allowing you to create random strings that match your grammar.
  • nearley-railroad generates pretty railroad diagrams from your parser. This is mainly helpful for creating documentation, as (for example) on

These are documented below.

NOTE: If you're not ready to install nearley yet, you can follow along in your browser using the nearley playground, an online interface for exploring nearley grammars interactively.

Getting started: nearley in 3 steps

nearley was written with users in mind: getting started with nearley is as simple as:

Step 1: Describe your grammar using the nearley syntax. In a file called, write:

main -> (statement "\n"):+
statement -> "foo" | "bar"

Step 2: Compile the grammar to a JavaScript module. On the command line, run:

$ nearleyc -o grammar.js

Step 3: Parse some data! In a new JavaScript file, write:

const nearley = require("nearley");
const grammar = require("./grammar.js");

// Create a Parser object from our grammar.
const parser = new nearley.Parser(nearley.Grammar.fromCompiled(grammar));

// Parse something!

// parser.results is an array of possible parsings.
console.log(parser.results); // [[[[ "foo" ],"\n" ]]]

Writing a parser

Let's explore the building blocks of a nearley parser.

Terminals, nonterminals, rules

  • A terminal is a string or a token. For example, the keyword "if" is a terminal.
  • A nonterminal is a combination of terminals and other nonterminals. For example, an if statement defined as "if" condition statement is a nonteminal.
  • A rule (or production rule) is a definition of a nonterminal. For example, "if" condition "then" statement "endif" is the rule according to which the if statement nonterminal is parsed.

The first nonterminal of the grammar is the one the whole input must match. With the following grammar, nearley will try to parse text as expression.

expression -> number "+" number
number -> [0-9]:+

Use the pipe character | to separate alternative rules for a nonterminal.

expression ->
      number "+" number
    | number "-" number
    | number "*" number
    | number "/" number

The keyword null stands for the epsilon rule, which matches nothing. The following nonterminal matches zero or more cows in a row, such as cowcowcow:

a -> null
    | a "cow"

Keep in mind that nearley syntax is not sensitive to formatting. You're welcome to keep rules on the same line: foo -> bar | qux.


By default, nearley wraps everything matched by a rule into an array. For example, when rule -> "foo" "bar" matches, it creates the "parse tree" ["foo", "bar"]. Most of the time, however, you need to process that data in some way: for example, you may want to filter out whitespace, or transform the results into a custom JavaScript object.

For this purpose, each rule can have a postprocessor: a JavaScript function that transforms the array and returns a "processed" version of the result. Postprocessors are wrapped in {% %}:

expression -> number "+" number {%
    function(data, location, reject) {
        return {
            operator: "sum",
            leftOperand: data[0],
            rightOperand: data[2] // data[1] is "+"

The rule above will parse the string 5+10 into { operator: "sum", leftOperand: "5", rightOperand: "10" }.

The postprocessor can be any function. It will be passed three arguments:

  • data: Array - an array that contains the results of parsing each part of the rule. Note that it is still an array, even if the rule only has one part! You can use the built-in {% id %} postprocessor to convert a one-item array into the item itself.
  • location: number - the index (zero-based) at which the rule match starts. This is useful, for example, to construct an error message that tells you where in the source the error occurred.
  • reject: Object - return this object to signal that this rule doesn't actually match. This is necessary in certain edge-conditions. For example, suppose you want sequences of letters to match variables, except for the keyword var. In this case, your rule may be
    word -> [a-z]:+ {%
        function(d,l, reject) {
            if (d[0] == 'var') {
                return reject;
            } else {
                return {'var': d[0]};
    Please note that grammars using reject are not context-free, and are often much slower to parse. Use it wisely! You can usually avoid the need for reject by using a tokenizer.

Remember that a postprocessor is scoped to a single rule, not the whole nonterminal. If a nonterminal has multiple alternative rules, each of them can have its own postprocessor.

For arrow-function users, a convenient pattern is to decompose the data array within the argument of the arrow function:

expression ->
      number "+" number {% ([first, _, second]) => first + second %}
    | number "-" number {% ([first, _, second]) => first - second %}
    | number "*" number {% ([first, _, second]) => first * second %}
    | number "/" number {% ([first, _, second]) => first / second %}

There are two built-in postprocessors for the most common scenarios:

  • id - returns the first element of the data array. This is useful to extract the content of a single-element array: foo -> bar {% id %}

  • nuller - returns null. This is useful for whitespace rules: space -> " " {% nuller %}

Target languages

By default, nearleyc compiles your grammar to JavaScript. You can also choose CoffeeScript or TypeScript by adding @preprocessor coffee or @preprocessor typescript at the top of your grammar file. This can be useful to write your postprocessors in a different language, and to get type annotations if you wish to use nearley in a statically typed dialect of JavaScript.

Catching errors

nearley is a streaming parser: you can keep feeding it more strings. This means that there are two error scenarios in nearley.

Consider the simple parser below for the examples to follow.

main -> "Cow goes moo." {% function(d) {return "yay!"; } %}

If there are no possible parsings given the current input, but in the future there might be results if you feed it more strings, then nearley will temporarily set the results array to the empty array, [].

parser.feed("Cow ");  // parser.results is []
parser.feed("goes "); // parser.results is []
parser.feed("moo.");  // parser.results is ["yay!"]

If there are no possible parsings, and there is no way to "recover" by feeding more data, then nearley will throw an error whose offset property is the index of the offending token.

try {
    parser.feed("Cow goes% moo.");
} catch(parseError) {
    console.log("Error at character " + parseError.offset); // "Error at character 9"

More syntax: tips and tricks


Comments are marked with '#'. Everything from # to the end of a line is ignored:

expression -> number "+" number # sum of two numbers


You can use valid RegExp charsets in a rule (unless you're using a tokenizer):

not_a_letter -> [^a-zA-Z]

The . character can be used to represent any character.

Case-insensitive string literals

You can create case-insensitive string literals by adding an i after the string literal:

cow -> "cow"i # matches CoW, COW, and so on.

Note that if you are using a lexer, your lexer should use the i flag in its regexes instead. That is, if you are using a lexer, you should not use the i suffix in nearley.


nearley supports the *, ?, and + operators from EBNF as shown:

batman -> "na":* "batman" # nananana...nanabatman

You can also use capture groups with parentheses. Its contents can be anything that a rule can have:

banana -> "ba" ("na" {% id %} | "NA" {% id %}):+


Macros allow you to create polymorphic rules:

# Matches "'Hello?' 'Hello?' 'Hello?'"
main -> matchThree[inQuotes["Hello?"]]

matchThree[X] -> $X " " $X " " $X

inQuotes[X] -> "'" $X "'"

Macros are dynamically scoped, which means they see arguments passed to parent macros:

# Matches "Cows oink." and "Cows moo!"
main -> sentence["Cows", ("." | "!")]

sentence[ANIMAL, PUNCTUATION] -> animalGoes[("moo" | "oink" | "baa")] $PUNCTUATION

animalGoes[SOUND] -> $ANIMAL " " $SOUND # uses $ANIMAL from its caller

Macros are expanded at compile time and inserted in places they are used. They are not "real" rules. Therefore, macros cannot be recursive (nearleyc will go into an infinite loop trying to expand the macro-loop).

Additional JS

For more intricate postprocessors, or any other functionality you may need, you can include chunks of JavaScript code between production rules by surrounding it with @{% ... %}:

const cowSays = require("./cow.js");

cow -> "moo" {% ([moo]) => cowSays(moo) %}

Note that it doesn't matter where you add these; they all get hoisted to the top of the generated code.

Importing other grammars

You can include the content of other grammar files:

@include "../misc/" # path relative to file being compiled
sum -> number "+" number # uses "number" from the included file

There are several builtin helper files that you can include:

@builtin ""
main -> cow:+

See the builtin/ directory for more details. Contributions are welcome here!

Including a file imports all of the nonterminals defined in it, as well as any JS, macros, and config options defined there.


By default, nearley splits the input into a stream of characters. This is called scannerless parsing.

A tokenizer splits the input into a stream of larger units called tokens. This happens in a separate stage before parsing. For example, a tokenizer might convert 512 + 10 into ["512", "+", "10"]: notice how it removed the whitespace, and combined multi-digit numbers into a single number.

Using a tokenizer has many benefits. It...

  • ...often makes your parser faster by more than an order of magnitude.
  • ...allows you to write cleaner, more maintainable grammars.
  • ...helps avoid ambiguous grammars in some cases. For example, a tokenizer can easily tell you that superclass is a single keyword, not a sequence of super and class keywords.
  • you lexical information such as line numbers for each token. This lets you make better error messages.

nearley supports and recommends Moo, a super-fast tokenizer. Here is a simple example:

const moo = require("moo");

const lexer = moo.compile({
  ws:     /[ \t]+/,
  number: /[0-9]+/,
  times:  /\*|x/

# Pass your lexer object using the @lexer option:
@lexer lexer

# Use %token to match any token of that type instead of "token":
multiplication -> %number %ws %times %ws %number {% ([first, , , , second]) => first * second %}

Have a look at the Moo documentation to learn more about the tokenizer.

Note that when using a tokenizer, raw strings match full tokens parsed by Moo. This is convenient for matching keywords.

ifStatement -> "if" condition "then" block

You use the parser as usual: call parser.feed(data), and nearley will give you the parsed results in return.


As mentioned above, nearley ships with a host of tools.

nearley-test: Exploring a parser interactively

A global install of nearley provides nearley-test, a simple command-line tool you can use to inspect what a parser is doing. You input a generated grammar.js file, and then give it some input to test the parser against. nearley-test prints out the output if successful, and optionally pretty-prints the internal parse table used by the algorithm. This is helpful to test a new parser.

nearley-unparse: The Unparser

The Unparser takes a (compiled) parser and outputs a random string that would be accepted by the parser.

$ nearley-unparse -s number <(nearleyc builtin/

You can use the Unparser to...

  • ...test your parser specification by generating lots of random expressions and making sure all of them are "correct".
  • ...generate random strings from a schema (for example, random email addresses or telephone numbers).
  • ...create fuzzers and combinatorial stress-testers.
  • "Mad-Libs" automatically! (Practical application: automatic grammatically valid loremtext.)

The Unparser outputs as a stream by continuously writing characters to its output pipe. So, if it "goes off the deep end" and generates a huge string, you will still see output scrolling by in real-time.

To limit the size of the output, you can specify a bound on the depth with the -d flag. This switches the Unparser to a different algorithm. A larger depth bound corresponds to larger generated strings.

As far as I know, nearley is the only parser generator with this feature. It is inspired by Roly Fentanes' randexp, which does the same thing with regular expressions.

nearley-railroad: Automagical Railroad Diagrams

nearley lets you convert your grammars to pretty SVG railroad diagrams that you can include in webpages, documentation, and even papers.

$ nearley-railroad -o grammar.html

Railroad demo

See a bigger example here.

(This feature is powered by railroad-diagrams by tabatkins.)

Other Tools

This section lists nearley tooling created by other developers. These tools are not distributed with nearley, so if you have problems, please contact the respective author for support instead of opening an issue with nearley.

Atom users can write nearley grammars with this plugin by Bojidar Marinov.

Sublime Text users can write nearley grammars with this syntax by liam4.

Vim users can use this plugin by AndrΓ©s Arana.

Visual Studio Code users can use this extension by Pouya Kary.

Python users can convert nearley grammars to Python using lark by Erez.

Node users can programmatically access the unparser using nearley-there by Scott Tolksdorf.

Browser users can use nearley-playground by Guillermo Webster to explore nearley interactively in the browser. There is also a Mac app by Pouya Kary.

Webpack users can use nearley-loader by AndrΓ©s Arana to load grammars directly.

Gulp users can use gulp-nearley by Joseph Junker to compile grammars with a gulpfile.

Still confused?

You can read the calculator example to get a feel for the syntax (see it live here). You can read a grammar for tosh over here. There are more sample grammars in the /examples directory. For larger examples, we also have experimental parsers for CSV and Lua.


Tests live in test/ and can be called with npm test. Please run the benchmarks before and after your changes: parsing is tricky, and small changes can kill efficiency. We learned this the hard way!

If you're looking for something to do, here's a short list of things that would make me happy:

  • Optimize. There are still plenty of optimizations that an enterprising JS-savant could implement.
  • Help build the builtins library by PRing in your favorite primitives.
  • Solutions to issues labeled "up for grabs" on the issue tracker.

Nearley is MIT licensed.

A big thanks to Nathan Dinsmore for teaching me how to Earley, Aria Stewart for helping structure nearley into a mature module, and Robin Windels for bootstrapping the grammar. Additionally, Jacob Edelman wrote an experimental JavaScript parser with nearley and contributed ideas for EBNF support. Joshua T. Corbin refactored the compiler to be much, much prettier. Bojidar Marinov implemented postprocessors-in-other-languages. Shachar Itzhaky fixed a subtle bug with nullables.

Further reading




  • Read my blog post to learn more about the algorithm.
  • Read about Marpa to learn more than you ever thought you wanted to know about parsing.
  • A nearley tutorial written by @gajus.


βžΏπŸ”œπŸŒ² Simple, fast, powerful parser toolkit for JavaScript.







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