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Yii extension which allows to create/update/delete model using dialog window.

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EUpdateDialog is an extension for Yii framework. This extension allows to run controller actions using jQuery UI dialog.

It is used for extending your application to allow easy CRUD (create-read-update-delete) actions or any other action which returns a proper JSON response. Click event can be added to any link element using a jQuery selector, allowing you to extend your application with additional functionality, without sacrificing design.

Extension degrades gracefully, so your application won't lose any functionality if JavaScript is turned off.

Note: I made this extension for the project I'm working on, so like always you are can change it to better suit your needs. If you find this extension useful, please consider a donation. Also please let me know about any bugs or enhancements you find, so that I could have more ideas then working on the next version (new version is good, but I'm still not satisfied with it) :)


  • Yii 1.1 or above (tested on 1.1.7, 1.1.8)
  • jQuery (included in Yii)
  • jQuery UI dialog widget (included in Yii)
  • jQuery cookie plugin (included in Yii) [optional]


  • actions folder contains controller actions, place it in your application folder (usually protected, or in the folder of your choice, just don't forget to update actions() method in your controller).
  • EUpdateDialog folder contains the extension, place it in your applications extensions folder (usually protected/extensions).
  • README.markdown is a readme file in markdown syntax containing this documentation. You can delete this file.

Basic extension usage

Basic extension usage is pretty simple. First make sure your controller has a loadModule() method and it's something like:

public function loadModel()
  if( $this->_model === null )
    if( isset( $_GET['id'] ) )
      $this->_model = ModelName::model()->findByPk( (int) $_GET['id'] );
    if( $this->_model === null )
      throw new CHttpException( 404, 'The requested page does not exist.' );
  return $this->_model;

Actions automatically sets flash message for additional feedback. If you don't want to use them you will have to remove $controller->setFlash( ... ) calls from you action files. To use flash messages you will need to add following method to your controller:

public function setFlash( $key, $value, $defaultValue = null )
  Yii::app()->user->setFlash( $key, $value, $defaultValue );

Next change your controllers actions() method (change the alias if you put them somewhere else):

public function actions()
  return array(
    'view' => 'application.actions.CreateAction',

Now make changes to the view file which will use an EUpdateDialog. Add a update-dialog-open-link class to all the links which need to open in EUpdateDialog. Finally add an extension widget to your view file:

$this->widget( 'ext.EUpdateDialog.EUpdateDialog' );

That's it, you should be able to use EUpdateDialog extension in your application. However this is the most basic usage of the extension, and you will probably want to customize it to your needs. So keep reading to find out more about customization and other tricks.

Widget options

Here are the available options which you can send to the widget:

dialogOptions is an array containing options for JuiDialog. You can find all available options at jQuery UI dialog demo page. By default extension only sets autoOpen and modal options.

options is an array with options for extension. They should be provided in the option => value fashion, more on this later.

preload is an array with scripts to preload. This array should contain scripts which are not in the page containing EUpdateDialog extension but is loaded with a page which will be opened in EUpdateDialog. It is used with actions disableScripts property for extra performance. More on this later.

target is a jQuery selector which will add a click event to the elements for opening EUpdateDialog.

tCategory is a category name for a file which has translations for Yii::t() method.

Extension options

Extension uses updateDialogOpen() JavaScript function which initialize the updateDialog JavaScript object and loads the contents in the dialog.

updateDialog object properties and methods can be overwritten or extended. Here are the available properties and methods:

csrfToken is a property containing a CSRF token data which is used if your application uses CSRF validation.

csrfTokenName is a property containing the name of CSRF cookie. It's automatically set by the extension.

defaultTitle is a property containing the default title for the dialog. It's used then dialog title is not provided in the link. Defaults to: 'Dialog'. More on adding custom dialog title later.

timeout is a property containing the time (in milliseconds) to wait before running callback. Defaults to: 1000 (one second).

addContent is a method which removes a loader and adds returned contents to the EUpdateDialog.

addLoader is a method which adds the loader. By default it replaces EUpdateDialog contents with 'Loading...'.

callback is a method which runs a callback depending on the status. Currently recognized statuses: 'render', 'success', 'deleted', 'canceled', 'imagedeleted'. Note: if someone knows how to implement something like PHPs $method = 'callback' . $status; if( method_exists( $this, $method ) $this->{$method}(); I would really appreciate if you shared that knowledge. Sharing is caring ;)

canceledCallback is a method which runs if 'canceled' status was received. By default it runs close method.

cleanContents is a method which removes all EUpdateDialog contents.

close is a method which runs cleanContents method and closes EUpdateDialog.

defaultCallback is a method which runs when no callback status was recognized. By default it runs close method.

deletedCallback is a method which runs if 'deleted' status was received. By default it redirects to a redirectToAfterDelete property value if it's set.

getCsrfToken is a method which sets csrfToken if jQuery cookie plugin and csrfTokenName property are available.

imageDeletedCallback is a method which runs if 'imagedeleted' status was received. By default it runs close method. You can ignore this as I added it only because I needed it in my project.

init is a method which initialize the updateDialog object on the first run. By default it sets the dialog, defaultWidth, dialogContent, csrfToken properties. It also attaches click event to all submit buttons (for submitting the form) and all elements with update-dialog-cancel-button class (for closing dialog) in EUpdateDialog content.

open is an element which opens and load contents for EUpdateDialog. By default it runs cleanContents method, changes the title to defaultTitle if it's not set (title is set automatically when opening EUpdateDialog), changes the width of the dialog if it's bigger than the window width, opens the dialog, runs the addLoader and addContent method.

removeLoader is a method which removes the loader. By default it removes all EUpdateDialog contents.

renderCallback is a method which runs if 'render' status was received. By default it does nothing.

submit is a method which submits the form from EUpdateDialog. By default it gathers all needed form data, runs the addLoader method, sends the data to a controller action and on success runs the removeLoader method, updates the EUpdateDialog contents and runs a callback method with a returned status.

successCallback is a method which runs if 'success' status was received. By default it updates all gridviews with grid-view class, then updates all listviews with list-view class and runs close method.

Create action options

Here are the available options for CreateAction:

ajaxView has a name of the view to use then action is accessed through AJAX. Defaults to: '_form'.

callback is a callback method in controller for additional processing. It is run after the model is saved and sends the model to a callback method. Defaults to: null. No method is run if callback is null or doesn't exist in the controller.

disableScripts is an array containing the scripts for scriptMap which should be disabled. By default jquery.js, jquery.min.js and jquery-ui.min.js scripts are disabled. Because $.ajax doesn't cache scripts, they will always be downloaded. For performance I will suggest to combine all (or most) of JavaScript files into one file which will be included in the page containing EUpdateDialog extension and then in the action disable those scripts. This can be used together with extensions preload property. (for example WYMeditor don't want to live in the save file as all other scripts, so I preload combined file of WYMeditor script files and disable then disable them in the action).

flashTypePrefix is a prefix for flash message type. Defaults to: ''.

messages is an array containing the messages for the action. By default error, postRequest and success messages are set. Default messages use Yii::t() for translations.

redirectTo is a redirect URL set by the user. Defaults to: null. If null user will be redirected to a view action with a newly created model id. This property can also be set as an array or a string.

redirectToOnCancel is used to create an url for a link. Useful if you want to use a cancel button/link in your forms.

tCategory is a category name for a file which has translations for Yii::t() method.

view contains a name of the view to use then action is accessed without AJAX. Defaults to: null. If null current action id will be used (for example if action is create the create view file will be used for rendering).

Note: action allows only POST requests.

Delete action options

Here are the available options for DeleteAction:

ajaxView has a name of the view to use then action is accessed through AJAX. Defaults to: '_delete'.

disableScripts is an array containing the scripts for scriptMap which should be disabled. By default jquery.js, jquery.min.js and jquery-ui.min.js scripts are disabled. Because $.ajax doesn't cache scripts, they will always be downloaded. For performance I will suggest to combine all (or most) of JavaScript files into one file which will be included in the page containing EUpdateDialog extension and then in the action disable those scripts. This can be used together with extensions preload property. (for example WYMeditor don't want to live in the save file as all other scripts, so I preload combined file of WYMeditor script files and disable then disable them in the action).

flashTypePrefix is a prefix for flash message type. Defaults to: ''.

redirectTo is a redirect URL set by the user. Defaults to: null. If null user will be redirected to a view action with an updated model id. This property can also be set as an array or a string.

redirectToAfterDelete is used to as a redirect URL after successful deletion. Defaults to: array( 'admin' ).

tCategory is a category name for a file which has translations for Yii::t() method.

view has a name of the view to use then action is accessed without AJAX. Defaults to: null. If null current action id will be used (for example if action is delete the delete view file will be used for rendering).

Note: action allows only POST requests.

Update action options

Here are the available options for UpdateAction:

ajaxView has a name of the view to use then action is accessed through AJAX. Defaults to: '_form'.

callback is a callback method in controller for additional processing. It is run after the model is saved and sends the model to a callback method. Defaults to: null. No method is run if callback is null or doesn't exist in the controller.

disableScripts is an array containing the scripts for scriptMap which should be disabled. By default jquery.js, jquery.min.js and jquery-ui.min.js scripts are disabled. Because $.ajax doesn't cache scripts, they will always be downloaded. For performance I will suggest to combine all (or most) of JavaScript files into one file which will be included in the page containing EUpdateDialog extension and then in the action disable those scripts. This can be used together with extensions preload property. (for example WYMeditor don't want to live in the save file as all other scripts, so I preload combined file of WYMeditor script files and disable then disable them in the action).

flashTypePrefix is a prefix for flash message type. Defaults to: ''.

messages is an array containing the messages for the action. By default error, postRequest and success messages are set. Default messages use Yii::t() for translations.

redirectTo is a redirect URL set by the user. Defaults to: null. If null user will be redirected to a view action with an updated model id. This property can also be set as an array or a string.

tCategory is a category name for a file which has translations for Yii::t() method.

view has a name of the view to use then action is accessed without AJAX. Defaults to: null. If null current action id will be used (for example if action is update the update view file will be used for rendering).

Note: action allows only POST requests.

View action options

ajaxView has a name of the view to use then action is accessed through AJAX. Defaults to: '_view'.

disableScripts is an array containing the scripts for scriptMap which should be disabled. By default jquery.js, jquery.min.js and jquery-ui.min.js scripts are disabled. Because $.ajax doesn't cache scripts, they will always be downloaded. For performance I will suggest to combine all (or most) of JavaScript files into one file which will be included in the page containing EUpdateDialog extension and then in the action disable those scripts. This can be used together with extensions preload property. (for example WYMeditor don't want to live in the save file as all other scripts, so I preload combined file of WYMeditor script files and disable then disable them in the action).

messages is an array containing the messages for the action. By default postRequest messages are set. Default messages use Yii::t() for translations.

tCategory is a category name for a file which has translations for Yii::t() method.

view has a name of the view to use then action is accessed without AJAX. Defaults to: null. If null current action id will be used (for example if action is view the view view file will be used for rendering).

Note: action allows GET requests which have ajax parameter. This request will run ajaxUpdate method which will load the model and render non AJAX view without processing JavaScript (I use it in view pages to reload contents, but watch out for extensions which use jQuery bind).

Tips & Tricks

Here are a few tips & tricks (they are mostly taken from the project I'm working on so update to your own needs).

EUpdateDialog links

To open EUpdateDialog when clicking on the link; add custom title:

echo CHtml::link( 'Create', array( 'create' ),
    'class' => 'update-dialog-open-link',
    'data-update-dialog-title' => Yii::t( 'app', 'Create a new mix' ),

Add customized EUpdateDialog widget

This code will add an EUpdateDialog with custom successCallback, deletedCallback methods (write them as "js:function(){ // your code }", don't use ; at the end!). This will also preload a wymeditor.js file:

$widgetUpdate = "js:function(){}";
$this->widget( 'ext.EUpdateDialog.EUpdateDialog', array(
  'options' => array(
    'successCallback' => $widgetUpdate,
    'deletedCallback' => $widgetUpdate,
  'preload' => array( Yii::app()->request->baseUrl . '/js/wymeditor.js' ),

GridView widget

To make gridview widget default buttons use EUpdateDialog change your columns in a widget to look something like this:

$this->widget( 'zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
  'columns' => array(
      'class' => 'CButtonColumn',
      'buttons' => array(
        // Delete button
        'delete' => array(
          'click' => 'updateDialogOpen',
          'url' => 'Yii::app()->createUrl(
            array( "id" => $data->primaryKey ) )',
          'options' => array(
            'data-update-dialog-title' => Yii::t( 'app', 'Delete confirmation' ),
        // Update button
        'update' => array(
          'click' => 'updateDialogOpen',
          'options' => array(
            'data-update-dialog-title' => Yii::t( 'app', 'Update mix' ),
        // View button
        'view' => array(
          'click' => 'updateDialogOpen',
          'options' => array(
            'data-update-dialog-title' => Yii::t( 'app', 'Preview mix' ),

Add cancel link in your form

To add cancel link (returns to a model view or some other page normally, closes EUpdateDialog then using extension) in forms use this code:

echo CHtml::link( 'Cancel', $cancelUrl, array(
  'class' => 'update-dialog-cancel-button' ) );

Advanced controller action configuration

This is the code for configured action. This will run addFeedItem method in controller after successfully saving the model. It will also disable the scripts in the form (guilty as charged, all extensions are made by me :D ) and replace success message:

public function actions()
  return array(
    'create' => array(
      'class' => 'application.actions.CreateAction',
      'callback' => 'addFeedItem',
      'disableScripts' => array(
      'messages' => array(
        'success' => 'Mix successfully created',

Delete view

This is very important: you must have a delete view which has to containing a form with two submit buttons named deleteConfirmed (to confirm deletion) and deleteCanceled (to cancel deletion).

echo CHtml::submitButton( 'Yes', array( 'name' => 'deleteConfirmed' ) );
echo CHtml::submitButton( 'No', array( 'name' => 'deleteCanceled' ) );



The extension is licensed under MIT license.


Yii extension which allows to create/update/delete model using dialog window.






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