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PHP library for VK API interaction, includes OAuth 2.0 authorization and API methods. Full VK API features documentation can be found here.

This library has been created using the VK API JSON Schema. It can be found here. It uses VK API version 5.69.

1. Installation

The VK PHP SDK can be installed using Composer by running the following command:

composer require vk/php-sdk

2. Initialization

Create VKApiClient object using the following code:

$vk = new VKApiClient();

also you can initialize VKApiClient with different Api version and different language like this:

$vk = new VKApiClient(VKLanguage::UKRAINIAN, '5.71');

3. Authorization

The library provides the authorization flows for user based on OAuth 2.0 protocol implementation in Api. Please read the full documentation before you start.

3.1. Authorization Code Flow

OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow allows calling methods from the server side.

This flow includes two steps — obtaining an authorization code and exchanging the code for an access token. Primarily you should obtain the "code" (manual user access and manual community access) by redirecting the user to the authorization page using the following method:

Create VKOAuth object first:

$oauth = new VKOAuth();

3.1.1. For getting user access key use following command:

$oauth->authorize(OAuthResponseType::CODE, '{client_id}', '{redirect_uri}', '{display}'
[, '{scope_array}', '{state}']);

3.1.2. Or if you want to get community access key use:

$oauth->authorize(OAuthResponseType::CODE, '{client_id}', '{redirect_uri}', '{display}'
[, '{scope_array}', '{state}', '{group_ids}]');

Attention! User access key and community access key uses different values inside scope array

As a '{display}' you should pass a constant from the OAuthDisplay class. The '{scope_array}' should be an array of constants from the OAuthUserScope class. '{group_ids}' is array of community id`s you want to get access.

User access key example:

$oauth->authorize(OAuthResponseType::CODE, 6125390, '', OAuthDisplay::POPUP,
 array(OAuthUserScope::AUDIO, OAuthUserScope::DOCS), 'some  state');

Community access key example:

$oauth->authorize(OAuthResponseType::CODE, 6125390, '', array(149019044), OAuthDisplay::POPUP,
 array(OAuthGroupScope::MESSAGES), 'some  state');

After successful authorization user's browser will be redirected to the specified redirect_uri. Meanwhile the code will be sent as a GET parameter to the specified address:


Then use this method to get the access token:

$access_token = $oauth->getAccessToken('{client_id}', '{client_secret}', '{redirect_uri}', '{code}');

The '{redirect_uri}' should be the URL that was used to get a code at the first step.


$access_token = $oauth->getAccessToken(6125390, 'Dv3Ef3srY3d2GE1c1X0F', '', '4g2h79rd3f7580a23d');

3.2. Implicit flow

In difference with authorization code flow this flow gives you temporary access key.

Read more about user access key and community access key.

First step to get access using Implicit flow is creating VKOauth object:

$oauth = new VKOAuth();

3.2.1. For getting user access key use following command:

$oauth->authorize(OAuthResponseType::TOKEN, '{client_id}', '{redirect_uri}', '{display}'
[, '{scope_array}', '{state}', {revoke_auth}]);

Note: if you want to make user getting access anyway, set {revoke_auth} as 1.

3.2.2. Or if you want to get community access key use:

$oauth->authorize(OAuthResponseType::TOKEN, '{client_id}', '{redirect_uri}', '{display}'
[, '{scope_array}', '{state}', '{group_ids}');

Arguments are similar with authorization code flow

After successful authorization user's browser will be redirected to the specified redirect_uri. Meanwhile the access token will be sent as a GET parameter to the specified address:

For user access key will be:


And for community access key:


access_token is your new access token.
expires_in is lifetime of access token in seconds.
user_id is user identifier.
state is string from authorize method.
access_token_XXXXXX is community access token where XXXXXX is community identifier.

4. API Requests

You can find the full list of VK API methods here.

Request sample

Example of calling method users.get:

$response = $vk->users()->get($access_token, array(
    'user_ids' => array(1, 210700286),
    'fields' => $array('city', 'photo'),

Uploading Photos into a Private Message

Please read the full manual before the start.

Call photos.getMessagesUploadServer to receive an upload address:

$address = $vk->photos()->getMessagesUploadServer('{access_token}');

Then use upload() method to send files to the upload_url address received in the previous step:

$photo = $vk->request()->upload($address['upload_url'], 'photo', 'photo.jpg');

You will get a JSON object with server, photo, hash fields. To save a photo call photos.saveMessagesPhoto with these three parameters:

$response_save_photo = $vk->photos()->saveMessagesPhoto($access_token, array(
    'server' => $photo['server'],
    'photo' => $photo['photo'],
    'hash' => $photo['hash']

Then you can use 'owner_id' and 'id' parameters from the last response to create an attachment of the uploaded photo.

Uploading Video Files

Please read the full manual before the start.

Call to get a video upload server address:

$address = $vk->video()->save($access_token, array(
    'name' => 'My video',

Send a file to upload_url received previously calling upload() method:

$video = $vk->request()->upload($address['upload_url'], 'video_file', 'video.mp4');

Videos are processed for some time after uploading.

6. Callback API

6.1. LongPoll handler

Enable Callback API LongPoll for your group and specify which events should be tracked by calling the following API method:

$vk->groups()->setLongPollSettings($access_token, array(
   'group_id' => 159895463,
   'enabled' => 1,
   'message_new' => 1,
   'wall_post_new' => 1,

Override methods from CallbackApiHandler class for handling events:

class CallbackApiMyHandler extends CallbackApiHandler {
    public function messageNew($object) {
        echo 'New message: ' . $object['body'];
    public function wallPostNew($object) {
        echo 'New wall post: ' . $object['text'];

To start listening to LongPoll events, create an instance of your CallbackApiMyHandler class, instance of CallbackApiLongPollExecutor class and call method listen():

$handler = new CallbackApiMyHandler();
$executor = new CallbackApiLongPollExecutor($vk, '{access_token}', '{$group_id}', $handler, '{$wait}');

Parameter '{wait}' is the waiting period.

While calling function listen() you can also specify the number of the event from which you want to receive data. The default value is the number of the last event.


$executor = new CallbackApiLongPollExecutor($vk, $access_token, 159895463, $handler, 25);

6.1. CallbackApi handler

CallbackApi handler will wait until VK send notification about event when it happened you may handle this event. More information here.

You should to configure Callback API inside your community settings.

First step will be approve your domain. VK sends you request to your server with event type confirmation and you should to send back confirmation string. In other types of event you should to send back ok string.

Look at this example:

use VK\CallbackApi\Server\CallbackApiServerHandler;

class CallbackServer extends CallbackApiServerHandler {
    const SECRET = 'ab12aba';
    const GROUP = 123999;
    const CONFIRMATION_TOKEN = 'e67anm1';

    function confirmation(int $group_id, ?string $secret) {
        if ($secret === self::MY_SECRET && $group_id == self::GROUP) {
            echo $this->CONFIRMATION_TOKEN;
    public function messageNew(int $group_id, ?string $secret, array $object) {
        echo 'ok';

$my_callback_handler = new CallbackServer();
$data = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'));

To handle events you should to override methods from CallbackApiServerHandler class like this.

confirmation event handler contains 2 fields: group id, and secret key. You must to override confirmation method.


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