迫于 Bilibili 下载的字幕是 bcc 格式的,而现用的播放器不支持该格式的字幕,实现了这个 Utility,可以将特定路径下的 bcc 文件转换为同名的 srt 文件。
Since subtitles provided by bilibili are in bcc format, which is not supported by the video player I use, I implemented this utility to convert all bcc file in a given directory to srt file with the same name.
V1.0 is released on November 29, 2020.
迫于喜马拉雅没有提供PC端的下载接口,实现了这个 Utility,可以获取播放列表中的音频文件的下载链接。
Since Ximalaya did not allow downloading audio files on the PCs, I implemented this utility to get the download links for the audio files in the playlist.
V1.0 is released on March 4, 2021
迫于又菜又想玩数独,实现了这个 Utility,可以给出数独的解。
Since I like to play Sudoku, even though I am very bad at solving Sudoku problems, I implemented this utility, which provides the results of a specific Sudoku problem.
V1.0 is released on May 22, 2021
迫于想同时看多个股票的分时图,实现了这个 Utility,可以同时显示多个股票的分时图。
Since I wanted to see real-time charts of several stocks at the same time, I implemented this utility, which provides real-time charts of several stocks at the same time.
V1.0 is released on August 5, 2021