1. Make the tron bike on a grey canvas with dimensions 800x400. The wheels should be ellipses with dimensions 80x80, and the body of the bike should be a rectangle with dimensions 150x80. You will need to figure out how to round the corners using an additional argument.
2. Make the tron bike start in the bottom left and move across the screen from left to right.
3. Make the tron bike move back and forth across the screen (bouncing off the edges of the canvas)
4. Create a speed
global variable, and use it to make the car move faster or slower
Use the
P5 function to allow the user to increase or decrease the speed of the bike using the up and down arrow keys. You can read more about this function in the P5 documentation -
Use the
P5 command to write the position of the tron bike at the top of the screen. You can read more about this command in the Typography Section of the P5 documentation -
Create a race!
1. Set the speed to a random number between 1 and 10 upon initialization.
2. Create two tron bikes, and make them race across the screen (with each bike's speed initializing to a random number so the race outcome isn't predictable!)
3. Use the
P5 command to declare the winner of the race when one of the cars wins!