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Erik Strottmann committed Nov 1, 2017
1 parent bffa02f commit f1b65dd
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Showing 5 changed files with 294 additions and 281 deletions.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions .sourcery.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
sources: [.]
templates: [Templates/Bitter.stencil]
output: Sources/Bitter/Bitter.swift
signs: [Int, UInt]
bitWidths: [8, 16, 32, 64]
bitPositions: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions Sources/Bitter/Bitter.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
// Generated using Sourcery 0.9.0 —

// Bitter.swift
// Bitter
Expand Down
271 changes: 271 additions & 0 deletions Templates/Bitter.stencil
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
// Bitter.swift
// Bitter
// Created by Umberto Raimondi on 01/02/16.
// Copyright © 2016 Umberto Raimondi. All rights reserved.

// MARK: Int types extensions

{% for sign in argument.signs %}
Extension that adds a few additional functionalities to {{ sign }}:
- toIntN/toUIntN truncating bit pattern conversions
- allOnes
- size
- Byte indexed subscript
extension {{ sign }}{
{% for bitWidth in argument.bitWidths where bitWidth < 64 %}
/// Perform a bit pattern truncating conversion to UInt{{ bitWidth }}
public var toU{{ bitWidth }}: UInt{{ bitWidth }}{return UInt{{ bitWidth }}(truncatingIfNeeded:self)}
/// Perform a bit pattern truncating conversion to Int{{ bitWidth }}
public var to{{ bitWidth }}: Int{{ bitWidth }}{return Int{{ bitWidth }}(truncatingIfNeeded:self)}
{% endfor %}
/// Perform a bit pattern truncating conversion to UInt64
public var toU64: UInt64{
return UInt64(self) //No difference if the platform is 32 or 64
/// Perform a bit pattern truncating conversion to Int64
public var to64: Int64{
return Int64(self) //No difference if the platform is 32 or 64
{% if sign == "Int" %}
/// Perform a bit pattern truncating conversion to Int
public var toInt:Int{return self}
/// Perform a bit pattern truncating conversion to UInt
public var toUInt:UInt{return UInt(bitPattern:self)}
{% else %}
/// Perform a bit pattern truncating conversion to Int
public var toInt:Int{return Int(bitPattern:self)}
/// Perform a bit pattern truncating conversion to UInt
public var toUInt:UInt{return self}
{% endif %}

/// Create bits mask with one
public func mask(_ bits: {{ sign }}, _ msb: Bool) -> {{ sign }} {
if (bits >> 3) == {{ sign }}.size { return {{ sign }}.max }

let mask = {{ sign }}(truncating: NSDecimalNumber(decimal:(pow(2, bits.toInt) - 1)))

switch msb {
case false:
return mask
case true:
let shift = {{ sign }}({{ sign }}.size << 3) - bits
return mask << shift

/// Returns the size of this type (number of bytes)
public static var size:Int{return MemoryLayout<{{ sign }}>.stride}

{% for bitPosition in argument.bitPositions %}
{% if sign == "Int" %}
/// Get bit {{ bitPosition }} value
public var b{{ bitPosition }}:Int{
return Int(bitPattern: ( UInt(bitPattern: self) & (0x1 << {{ bitPosition }})) >> {{ bitPosition }} )
/// Set bit {{ bitPosition }} and return a new {{ sign }}
public func setb{{ bitPosition }}(_ bit:Int)->Int{
let nv: UInt = bit != 0 ? 1 : 0
return Int(bitPattern: ( UInt(bitPattern: self) & ~(0x1 << {{ bitPosition }})) | (nv << {{ bitPosition }}) )
{% else %}
/// Get bit {{ bitPosition }} value
public var b{{ bitPosition }}:UInt{
return ( self & (0x1 << {{ bitPosition }})) >> {{ bitPosition }}
/// Set bit {{ bitPosition }} and return a new {{ sign }}
public func setb{{ bitPosition }}(_ bit:Int)->UInt{
let nv:UInt = bit != 0 ? 1 : 0
return ( self & ~(0x1 << {{ bitPosition }})) | (nv << {{ bitPosition }})
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

/// Subscript that returns or set one of the bytes of a {{ sign }}
/// at the given index.
/// Trying to access an out of index byte will result in an error.
public subscript(index: Int) -> {{ sign }} {
{% if sign == "Int" %}
get {
precondition(index<Int.size,"Byte set index out of range")
let idx: UInt = UInt(bitPattern: index) * 8
return Int(bitPattern: (UInt(bitPattern: self) & (0xFF << idx)) >> idx )
set(newValue) {
precondition(index<Int.size,"Byte set index out of range")
let idx: UInt = UInt(bitPattern: index) * 8
self = Int(bitPattern: (UInt(bitPattern: self) & ~(0xFF << idx)) | (UInt(bitPattern: newValue) << idx) )
{% else %}
get {
precondition(index<Int.size,"Byte set index out of range")
let idx: UInt = UInt(bitPattern: index) * 8
return (self & (0xFF << idx)) >> idx
set(newValue) {
precondition(index<Int.size,"Byte set index out of range")
let idx: UInt = UInt(bitPattern: index) * 8
self = (self & ~(0xFF << idx)) | (newValue << idx)
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

{% for bitWidth in argument.bitWidths %}
{% for sign in argument.signs %}
Extension that adds a few additional functionalities to {{ sign }}{{ bitWidth }}:
- toIntN/toUIntN truncating bit pattern conversions
- allOnes
- size
- Byte indexed subscript
extension {{ sign }}{{ bitWidth }} {
{% for otherBitWidth in argument.bitWidths %}
{% if bitWidth > otherBitWidth %}
/// Perform a bit pattern truncating conversion to UInt{{ otherBitWidth }}
public var toU{{ otherBitWidth }}: UInt{{ otherBitWidth }}{return UInt{{ otherBitWidth }}(truncatingIfNeeded:self)}
/// Perform a bit pattern truncating conversion to Int{{ otherBitWidth }}
public var to{{ otherBitWidth }}: Int{{ otherBitWidth }}{return Int{{ otherBitWidth }}(truncatingIfNeeded:self)}
{% elif bitWidth == otherBitWidth %}
{% if sign == "Int" %}
/// Perform a bit pattern truncating conversion to UInt{{ otherBitWidth }}
public var toU{{ otherBitWidth }}: UInt{{ otherBitWidth }}{return UInt{{ otherBitWidth }}(bitPattern:self)}
/// Perform a bit pattern truncating conversion to Int{{ otherBitWidth }}
public var to{{ otherBitWidth }}: Int{{ otherBitWidth }}{return self}
{% else %}
/// Perform a bit pattern truncating conversion to UInt{{ otherBitWidth }}
public var toU{{ otherBitWidth }}: UInt{{ otherBitWidth }}{return self}
/// Perform a bit pattern truncating conversion to Int{{ otherBitWidth }}
public var to{{ otherBitWidth }}: Int{{ otherBitWidth }}{return Int{{ otherBitWidth }}(bitPattern:self)}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
/// Perform a bit pattern truncating conversion to UInt{{ otherBitWidth }}
public var toU{{ otherBitWidth }}: UInt{{ otherBitWidth }}{return UInt{{ otherBitWidth }}(self)}
/// Perform a bit pattern truncating conversion to Int{{ otherBitWidth }}
public var to{{ otherBitWidth }}: Int{{ otherBitWidth }}{return Int{{ otherBitWidth }}(self)}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if bitWidth < 64 %}
/// Perform a bit pattern truncating conversion to Int
public var toInt:Int{return Int(bitPattern:UInt(self))}
/// Perform a bit pattern truncating conversion to UInt
public var toUInt:UInt{return UInt(self)}
{% else %}
/// Perform a bit pattern truncating conversion to Int
public var toInt:Int{return Int(truncatingIfNeeded:self)}
/// Perform a bit pattern truncating conversion to UInt
public var toUInt:UInt{return UInt(truncatingIfNeeded:self)}
{% endif %}

/// Create bits mask with one
public func mask(_ bits: {{ sign }}{{ bitWidth }}, _ msb: Bool) -> {{ sign }}{{ bitWidth }} {
if (bits >> 3) == {{ sign }}{{ bitWidth }}.size { return {{ sign }}{{ bitWidth }}.max }

let mask = {{ sign }}{{ bitWidth }}(truncating: NSDecimalNumber(decimal:(pow(2, bits.toInt) - 1)))

switch msb {
case false:
return mask
case true:
let shift = {{ sign }}{{ bitWidth }}({{ sign }}{{ bitWidth }}.size << 3) - bits
return mask << shift

/// Returns the size of this type (number of bytes)
public static var size:Int{return MemoryLayout<{{ sign }}{{ bitWidth }}>.stride}

{% for bitPosition in argument.bitPositions %}
{% if sign == "Int" %}
/// Get bit {{ bitPosition }} value
public var b{{ bitPosition }}:{{ sign }}{{ bitWidth }}{
return ( (self.toU{{ bitWidth }} & (0x1 << {{ bitPosition }})) >> {{ bitPosition }} ).to{{ bitWidth }}
/// Set bit {{ bitPosition }} and return a new {{ sign }}
public func setb{{ bitPosition }}(_ bit:Int)->{{ sign }}{{ bitWidth }}{
let nv = bit != 0 ? 1 : 0
return ( (self.toU{{ bitWidth }} & ~(0x1 << {{ bitPosition }})) | (nv.toU{{ bitWidth }} << {{ bitPosition }}) ).to{{ bitWidth }}
{% else %}
/// Get bit {{ bitPosition }} value
public var b{{ bitPosition }}:{{ sign }}{{ bitWidth }}{
return (self & (0x1 << {{ bitPosition }})) >> {{ bitPosition }}
/// Set bit {{ bitPosition }} and return a new {{ sign }}
public func setb{{ bitPosition }}(_ bit:Int)->{{ sign }}{{ bitWidth }}{
let nv = bit != 0 ? 1 : 0
return (self & ~(0x1 << {{ bitPosition }})) | (nv.toU{{ bitWidth }} << {{ bitPosition }})
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

{% if bitWidth == 8 %}

/// Subscript that returns or set one of the bytes of this integer
/// at the given index.
/// Trying to access an out of index byte will result in an error.
public subscript(index: Int) -> {{ sign }}8 {
get {
precondition(index<Int8.size,"Byte set index out of range")
return self
set(newValue) {
precondition(index<Int8.size,"Byte set index out of range")
self = newValue
{% else %}

/// Subscript that returns or set one of the bytes of a {{ sign }}{{ bitWidth }}
/// at the given index.
/// Trying to access an out of index byte will result in an error.
public subscript(index: Int) -> {{ sign }}{{ bitWidth }} {
{% if sign == "Int" %}
get {
precondition(index<Int{{ bitWidth }}.size,"Byte set index out of range")
return ((self.toU{{ bitWidth }} & (0xFF << (index.toU{{ bitWidth }}*8))) >> (index.toU{{ bitWidth }}*8)).to{{ bitWidth }}
set(newValue) {
precondition(index<Int{{ bitWidth }}.size,"Byte set index out of range")
self = ( (self.toU{{ bitWidth }} & ~(0xFF << (index.toU{{ bitWidth }}*8))) | (newValue.toU{{ bitWidth }} << (index.toU{{ bitWidth }}*8)) ).to{{ bitWidth }}
{% else %}
get {
precondition(index<Int{{ bitWidth }}.size,"Byte set index out of range")
return (self & (0xFF << (index.toU{{ bitWidth }}*8))) >> (index.toU{{ bitWidth }}*8)
set(newValue) {
precondition(index<Int{{ bitWidth }}.size,"Byte set index out of range")
self = (self & ~(0xFF << (index.toU{{ bitWidth }}*8))) | (newValue.toU{{ bitWidth }} << (index.toU{{ bitWidth }}*8))
{% endif %}
{% endif %}

{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

// MARK: Operators

/// Double negation operator
prefix operator ~~

{% for bitWidth in argument.bitWidths %}
{% for sign in argument.signs %}
/// Double negation operator for {{ sign }}{{ bitWidth }}
/// Returns 1 if value is not equal to 0, 0 otherwise
prefix func ~~(value: {{ sign }}{{ bitWidth }})->{{ sign }}{{ bitWidth }}{
return (value>0) ? 1 : 0
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

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