==========================================GROUP 1==================================================
Minimal setup:
- Java 8(1.8), Glassfish 4.1 or 5, PostgreSQL ,IDE
How to run
Download Postgresql.jar and paste into lib folder into Glassfish(glassfish4\glassfish\domains\domain1\lib)
Give the glassfish path in the gradle.properties
Create Database "BeverageStore" and assign role as a "tester" according to the gradle.properties/Database environment in Pgadmin. -Run the following commands: -gradle startGlassfish -gradle initServer -gradle build -gradle deploy
to see the initial UI of the frontend project -
initial UI contain both customer and salesman part. =============================================================================================
the front end being the main.jsp
Beverage Creation --- create new beverages
Incentive Creation --- Create new Incentive
Order Creation --- Create new order ( JMS (Message Driven Beans) is implemented for orders Page --- the dropdown returns the list of the beverages and its manufacture in the order creation page.
View Beverage --- Displays all the created beverages
View Order --- Displays all the created Orders
Manage Incentives --- Can Edit and delete incentives
BI Functionality --- It generates the total revenue, and revenues with respect to each Incentive
EJB entities (Stateful and Stateless) : In our Assignment we have used stateful, A Stateful application saves data about each client session and uses that data the next time the client makes a request. Since it is a Beverage management Store ,and using stateful or stateless depends on the conversational state and Since we do create order Each time , its Good to use Stateful , Since it serves the request of the client with the same bean, unlike Stateless which uses new bean for every request.
Order Creation : In our assignment we have handled order creation by two ways with and without JMS. We have implemented JMS and for that we need to create JMS connection factory named as "BeverageStoreCF" and Destination Queue named as "BeverageStoreQueue". We have done the connection using sun-ejb-jar.xml and OrderSender to send message to the queue. OrderMDB class is our message driven bean class used for JMS
============================================================================================================ orm.xml
We have used orm.xml for writing the queries and used the named queries in the beans classes.These are used to retrieve the data from the database.