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Architecture of USBK CryptoBridge

      Hardware Archtitecture                        Software Architecture
      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   |  USB External Hard Drive |
   |     USB Flash Memory     |             Encrypted data with 128-Bit or 256-Bit AES
               ^                                               ^    
               v                                               |    
   +--------------------------+                                |    
   |                          |                                |    
   |         USBK             |                                |    
   |      CryptoBridge        |               [AES ENCRYPTION/DECRYPTION with KEYS]
   |                          |                                |    
   +--------------------------+                                |    
               ^                                               |    
               v                                               v    
   +--------------------------+                    +-----------------------+
   |         ______           |                    |     USB INTERFACE     |
   |        |      |          |                    +-----------------------+
   |        | USB  |          |                         ^            ^
   |        | PORT |          |                         |            |
   |        \______/          |                         v            v
   |                          |                     +-------+    +-------+
   |                          |                     |   SG  |    |  UDEV |
   |                          |                     +-------+    +-------+
   |                          |                         ^            ^
   |                          |                         |            |
   |                          |                         v            v
   |                          |                    +-----------------------+
   |       User's PC          |                    |                       |
   |                          |                    |        LibUSBK        |
   |                          |                    |                       |
   |                          |                    +-----------------------+
   |                          |                               ^
   |                          |                               |
   |                          |                               v
   |                          |                    +-----------------------+
   |                          |                    |      Application      |
   |                          |                    |        CLI/GUI        |
   +--------------------------+                    +-----------------------+   

About USBK
USBK CryptoBridge encrypts data independent by the operation systems and all filesystems.
USBK works in SCSI level and encrypts/decrypts data on the fly. USBK has two model as A101 
and A103. A103 model uses 3 keys and A101 model uses 1 key. A password for this operation. 
Whenever user inserts USB-K into USB Hub of the PC, USB-K must be initialized (there is an 
exceptional situation!).

Firstly, password must be assigned by user. Then, USBK generates randomly and stores the key(s).
the Key(s) are activated with this password. If user enters incorrect password 3 times, 
all key(s) are reset by USBK and the encrypted data becomes garbage. After that, there 
is NO WAY to save encrypted unless user remember AES keys.

The 3 keys can be set by user after password assignment, USBK lets user to do this. If user 
note keys to somewhere, data might be recovered.

USBK causes 30% performance loss. Normally user doesn't feel anything unless user
read/write a big file.

About USB-K Software
Application CLI/GUI :   //TODO: more detail 
LibUSBK :               //TODO: more detail
SG :                    //TODO: more detail
UDEV :                  //TODO: more detail
USB Interface :         //TODO: more detail

Works well on
RedHat 5
Pardus 2009.2, 2011, Corporate2
Mint 10 (GNOME)
Ubuntu 8.04, 9.10, 10.04, 10.10