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add the interface for continuous collision
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panjia1983 committed Sep 23, 2012
1 parent 0f0a2d1 commit c845c9a
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Showing 19 changed files with 841 additions and 128 deletions.
80 changes: 80 additions & 0 deletions include/fcl/broadphase/broadphase.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -146,6 +146,86 @@ class BroadPhaseCollisionManager

/// @brief Callback for continuous collision between two objects. Return value is whether can stop now.
typedef bool (*ContinuousCollisionCallBack)(ContinuousCollisionObject* o1, ContinuousCollisionObject* o2, void* cdata);

/// @brief Callback for continuous distance between two objects, Return value is whether can stop now, also return the minimum distance till now.
typedef bool (*ContinuousDistanceCallBack)(ContinuousCollisionObject* o1, ContinuousCollisionObject* o2, void* cdata, FCL_REAL& dist);

/// @brief Base class for broad phase continuous collision. It helps to accelerate the continuous collision/distance between N objects. Also support self collision, self distance and collision/distance with another M objects.
class BroadPhaseContinuousCollisionManager

virtual ~BroadPhaseContinuousCollisionManager() {}

/// @brief add objects to the manager
virtual void registerObjects(const std::vector<ContinuousCollisionObject*>& other_objs)
for(size_t i = 0; i < other_objs.size(); ++i)

/// @brief add one object to the manager
virtual void registerObject(ContinuousCollisionObject* obj) = 0;

/// @brief remove one object from the manager
virtual void unregisterObject(ContinuousCollisionObject* obj) = 0;

/// @brief initialize the manager, related with the specific type of manager
virtual void setup() = 0;

/// @brief update the condition of manager
virtual void update() = 0;

/// @brief update the manager by explicitly given the object updated
virtual void update(ContinuousCollisionObject* updated_obj)

/// @brief update the manager by explicitly given the set of objects update
virtual void update(const std::vector<ContinuousCollisionObject*>& updated_objs)

/// @brief clear the manager
virtual void clear() = 0;

/// @brief return the objects managed by the manager
virtual void getObjects(std::vector<ContinuousCollisionObject*>& objs) const = 0;

/// @brief perform collision test between one object and all the objects belonging to the manager
virtual void collide(ContinuousCollisionObject* obj, void* cdata, CollisionCallBack callback) const = 0;

/// @brief perform distance computation between one object and all the objects belonging to the manager
virtual void distance(ContinuousCollisionObject* obj, void* cdata, DistanceCallBack callback) const = 0;

/// @brief perform collision test for the objects belonging to the manager (i.e., N^2 self collision)
virtual void collide(void* cdata, CollisionCallBack callback) const = 0;

/// @brief perform distance test for the objects belonging to the manager (i.e., N^2 self distance)
virtual void distance(void* cdata, DistanceCallBack callback) const = 0;

/// @brief perform collision test with objects belonging to another manager
virtual void collide(BroadPhaseContinuousCollisionManager* other_manager, void* cdata, CollisionCallBack callback) const = 0;

/// @brief perform distance test with objects belonging to another manager
virtual void distance(BroadPhaseContinuousCollisionManager* other_manager, void* cdata, DistanceCallBack callback) const = 0;

/// @brief whether the manager is empty
virtual bool empty() const = 0;

/// @brief the number of objects managed by the manager
virtual size_t size() const = 0;


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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions include/fcl/ccd/conservative_advancement.h
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Expand Up @@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ namespace fcl

template<typename BV, typename ConservativeAdvancementNode, typename CollisionNode>
int conservativeAdvancement(const CollisionGeometry* o1,
MotionBase* motion1,
const MotionBase* motion1,
const CollisionGeometry* o2,
MotionBase* motion2,
const MotionBase* motion2,
const CollisionRequest& request,
CollisionResult& result,
FCL_REAL& toc);
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141 changes: 132 additions & 9 deletions include/fcl/ccd/motion.h
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Expand Up @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class SplineMotion : public MotionBase

/// @brief Integrate the motion from 0 to dt
/// We compute the current transformation from zero point instead of from last integrate time, for precision.
bool integrate(double dt);
bool integrate(double dt) const;

/// @brief Compute the motion bound for a bounding volume along a given direction n, which is defined in the visitor
FCL_REAL computeMotionBound(const BVMotionBoundVisitor& mb_visitor) const
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -92,6 +92,84 @@ class SplineMotion : public MotionBase
tf_ = tf;

void getTaylorModel(TMatrix3& tm, TVector3& tv) const
// set tv
Vec3f c[4];
c[0] = (Td[0] + Td[1] * 4 + Td[2] + Td[3]) * (1/6.0);
c[1] = (-Td[0] + Td[2]) * (1/2.0);
c[2] = (Td[0] - Td[1] * 2 + Td[2]) * (1/2.0);
c[3] = (-Td[0] + Td[1] * 3 - Td[2] * 3 + Td[3]) * (1/6.0);
for(std::size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
for(std::size_t j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
tv[i].coeff(j) = c[j][i];

// set tm
Matrix3f I(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1);
// R(t) = R(t0) + R'(t0) (t-t0) + 1/2 R''(t0)(t-t0)^2 + 1 / 6 R'''(t0) (t-t0)^3 + 1 / 24 R''''(l)(t-t0)^4; t0 = 0.5
/// 1. compute M(1/2)
Vec3f Rt0 = (Rd[0] + Rd[1] * 23 + Rd[2] * 23 + Rd[3]) * (1 / 48.0);
FCL_REAL Rt0_len = Rt0.length();
FCL_REAL inv_Rt0_len = 1.0 / Rt0_len;
FCL_REAL inv_Rt0_len_3 = inv_Rt0_len * inv_Rt0_len * inv_Rt0_len;
FCL_REAL inv_Rt0_len_5 = inv_Rt0_len_3 * inv_Rt0_len * inv_Rt0_len;
FCL_REAL theta0 = Rt0_len;
FCL_REAL costheta0 = cos(theta0);
FCL_REAL sintheta0 = sin(theta0);

Vec3f Wt0 = Rt0 * inv_Rt0_len;
Matrix3f hatWt0;
hat(hatWt0, Wt0);
Matrix3f hatWt0_sqr = hatWt0 * hatWt0;
Matrix3f Mt0 = I + hatWt0 * sintheta0 + hatWt0_sqr * (1 - costheta0);

/// 2. compute M'(1/2)
Vec3f dRt0 = (-Rd[0] - Rd[1] * 5 + Rd[2] * 5 + Rd[3]) * (1 / 8.0);
FCL_REAL Rt0_dot_dRt0 =;
FCL_REAL dtheta0 = Rt0_dot_dRt0 * inv_Rt0_len;
Vec3f dWt0 = dRt0 * inv_Rt0_len - Rt0 * (Rt0_dot_dRt0 * inv_Rt0_len_3);
Matrix3f hatdWt0;
hat(hatdWt0, dWt0);
Matrix3f dMt0 = hatdWt0 * sintheta0 + hatWt0 * (costheta0 * dtheta0) + hatWt0_sqr * (sintheta0 * dtheta0) + (hatWt0 * hatdWt0 + hatdWt0 * hatWt0) * (1 - costheta0);

/// 3.1. compute M''(1/2)
Vec3f ddRt0 = (Rd[0] - Rd[1] - Rd[2] + Rd[3]) * 0.5;
FCL_REAL Rt0_dot_ddRt0 =;
FCL_REAL dRt0_dot_dRt0 = dRt0.sqrLength();
FCL_REAL ddtheta0 = (Rt0_dot_ddRt0 + dRt0_dot_dRt0) * inv_Rt0_len - Rt0_dot_dRt0 * Rt0_dot_dRt0 * inv_Rt0_len_3;
Vec3f ddWt0 = ddRt0 * inv_Rt0_len - (dRt0 * (2 * Rt0_dot_dRt0) + Rt0 * (Rt0_dot_ddRt0 + dRt0_dot_dRt0)) * inv_Rt0_len_3 + (Rt0 * (3 * Rt0_dot_dRt0 * Rt0_dot_dRt0)) * inv_Rt0_len_5;
Matrix3f hatddWt0;
hat(hatddWt0, ddWt0);
Matrix3f ddMt0 =
hatddWt0 * sintheta0 +
hatWt0 * (costheta0 * dtheta0 - sintheta0 * dtheta0 * dtheta0 + costheta0 * ddtheta0) +
hatdWt0 * (costheta0 * dtheta0) +
(hatWt0 * hatdWt0 + hatdWt0 * hatWt0) * (sintheta0 * dtheta0 * 2) +
hatdWt0 * hatdWt0 * (2 * (1 - costheta0)) +
hatWt0 * hatWt0 * (costheta0 * dtheta0 * dtheta0 + sintheta0 * ddtheta0) +
(hatWt0 * hatddWt0 + hatddWt0 + hatWt0) * (1 - costheta0);

for(std::size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
for(std::size_t j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
tm(i, j).coeff(0) = Mt0(i, j) - dMt0(i, j) * 0.5 + ddMt0(i, j) * 0.25 * 0.5;
tm(i, j).coeff(1) = dMt0(i, j) - ddMt0(i, j) * 0.5;
tm(i, j).coeff(2) = ddMt0(i, j) * 0.5;
tm(i, j).coeff(3) = 0;

tm(i, j).remainder() = Interval(-1/48.0, 1/48.0); /// not correct, should fix

void computeSplineParameter()
Expand All @@ -110,10 +188,10 @@ class SplineMotion : public MotionBase

FCL_REAL Rd0Rd0, Rd0Rd1, Rd0Rd2, Rd0Rd3, Rd1Rd1, Rd1Rd2, Rd1Rd3, Rd2Rd2, Rd2Rd3, Rd3Rd3;
//// @brief The transformation at current time t
Transform3f tf;
mutable Transform3f tf;

/// @brief The time related with tf
FCL_REAL tf_t;
mutable FCL_REAL tf_t;

FCL_REAL computeTBound(const Vec3f& n) const;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -163,12 +241,12 @@ class ScrewMotion : public MotionBase

/// @brief Integrate the motion from 0 to dt
/// We compute the current transformation from zero point instead of from last integrate time, for precision.
bool integrate(double dt)
bool integrate(double dt) const
if(dt > 1) dt = 1;


Quaternion3f delta_rot = deltaRotation(dt);
tf.setTranslation(p + axis * (dt * linear_vel) + delta_rot.transform(tf1.getTranslation() - p));

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -210,6 +288,29 @@ class ScrewMotion : public MotionBase
tf_ = tf;

void getTaylorModel(TMatrix3& tm, TVector3& tv) const
Matrix3f hat_axis;
hat(hat_axis, axis);

TaylorModel cos_model(getTimeInterval());
generateTaylorModelForCosFunc(cos_model, angular_vel, 0);

TaylorModel sin_model(getTimeInterval());
generateTaylorModelForSinFunc(sin_model, angular_vel, 0);

TMatrix3 delta_R = hat_axis * sin_model - hat_axis * hat_axis * (cos_model - 1) + Matrix3f(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1);

TaylorModel a(getTimeInterval()), b(getTimeInterval()), c(getTimeInterval());
generateTaylorModelForLinearFunc(a, 0, linear_vel * axis[0]);
generateTaylorModelForLinearFunc(b, 0, linear_vel * axis[1]);
generateTaylorModelForLinearFunc(c, 0, linear_vel * axis[2]);
TVector3 delta_T = p - delta_R * p + TVector3(a, b, c);

tm = delta_R * tf1.getRotation();
tv = delta_R * tf1.getTranslation() + delta_T;

void computeScrewParameter()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -256,7 +357,7 @@ class ScrewMotion : public MotionBase
Transform3f tf2;

/// @brief The transformation at current time t
Transform3f tf;
mutable Transform3f tf;

/// @brief screw axis
Vec3f axis;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -322,7 +423,7 @@ class InterpMotion : public MotionBase

/// @brief Integrate the motion from 0 to dt
/// We compute the current transformation from zero point instead of from last integrate time, for precision.
bool integrate(double dt);
bool integrate(double dt) const;

/// @brief Compute the motion bound for a bounding volume along a given direction n, which is defined in the visitor
FCL_REAL computeMotionBound(const BVMotionBoundVisitor& mb_visitor) const
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -358,6 +459,28 @@ class InterpMotion : public MotionBase
tf_ = tf;

void getTaylorModel(TMatrix3& tm, TVector3& tv) const
Matrix3f hat_angular_axis;
hat(hat_angular_axis, angular_axis);

TaylorModel cos_model(getTimeInterval());
generateTaylorModelForCosFunc(cos_model, angular_vel, 0);
TaylorModel sin_model(getTimeInterval());
generateTaylorModelForSinFunc(sin_model, angular_vel, 0);

TMatrix3 delta_R = hat_angular_axis * sin_model - hat_angular_axis * hat_angular_axis * (cos_model - 1) + Matrix3f(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1);

TaylorModel a(getTimeInterval()), b(getTimeInterval()), c(getTimeInterval());
generateTaylorModelForLinearFunc(a, 0, linear_vel[0]);
generateTaylorModelForLinearFunc(b, 0, linear_vel[1]);
generateTaylorModelForLinearFunc(c, 0, linear_vel[2]);
TVector3 delta_T(a, b, c);

tm = delta_R * tf1.getRotation();
tv = tf1.transform(reference_p) + delta_T - delta_R * tf1.getQuatRotation().transform(reference_p);


void computeVelocity();
Expand All @@ -373,7 +496,7 @@ class InterpMotion : public MotionBase
Transform3f tf2;

/// @brief The transformation at current time t
Transform3f tf;
mutable Transform3f tf;

/// @brief Linear velocity
Vec3f linear_vel;
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19 changes: 18 additions & 1 deletion include/fcl/ccd/motion_base.h
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Expand Up @@ -40,6 +40,8 @@

#include "fcl/math/transform.h"
#include "fcl/ccd/taylor_matrix.h"
#include "fcl/ccd/taylor_vector.h"
#include "fcl/BV/RSS.h"

namespace fcl
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -108,10 +110,14 @@ class TriangleMotionBoundVisitor
class MotionBase
MotionBase() : time_interval_(boost::shared_ptr<TimeInterval>(new TimeInterval(0, 1)))

virtual ~MotionBase() {}

/** \brief Integrate the motion from 0 to dt */
virtual bool integrate(double dt) = 0;
virtual bool integrate(double dt) const = 0;

/** \brief Compute the motion bound for a bounding volume, given the closest direction n between two query objects */
virtual FCL_REAL computeMotionBound(const BVMotionBoundVisitor& mb_visitor) const= 0;
Expand All @@ -127,6 +133,17 @@ class MotionBase
virtual void getCurrentTranslation(Vec3f& T) const = 0;

virtual void getCurrentTransform(Transform3f& tf) const = 0;

virtual void getTaylorModel(TMatrix3& tm, TVector3& tv) const = 0;

const boost::shared_ptr<TimeInterval>& getTimeInterval() const
return time_interval_;

boost::shared_ptr<TimeInterval> time_interval_;


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