对"Deep Learning with Python"第二版进行翻译,现在是最初步。[email protected]
Aug 10, 2020 第一稿完成
This repository contains Jupyter notebooks implementing the code samples found in the book Deep Learning with Python, 2nd Edition (Manning Publications).
For readability, these notebooks only contain runnable code blocks and section titles, and omit everything else in the book: text paragraphs, figures, and pseudocode. If you want to be able to follow what's going on, I recommend reading the notebooks side by side with your copy of the book.
These notebooks use Python 3.7 and Keras 2.0.8. They were generated on a p2.xlarge EC2 instance.
- Chapter 2: The mathematical building blocks of neural networks
- Chapter 3: Introduction to Keras and TensorFlow
- Chapter 4: Getting started with neural networks: classification and regression
- Chapter 5: Fundamentals of machine learning
- Chapter 7: Working with Keras: a deep dive
- Chapter 8: Introduction to deep learning for computer vision
- Chapter 9: Advanced deep learning for computer vision
- Chapter 10: Deep learning for timeseries
- Chapter 11: Deep learning for text
- Chapter 12: Generative deep learning
- Chapter 13: Best practices for the real world
- Chapter 14: Conclusions