leal is a small http server written in ruby. [wip]
--- todo
- linking
- directory structure
- content-type detector
- serve up "index.html" if it exists
- directory listing
- logging functionality
- command line interface (optparse)
- php support (phpinfo works. I doubt POST/GET works with it.)
- make GET with forms work
- inline php support (important)
- make POST work
- probably other things
- php5 (if you want php support)
- php5-cgi (THIS IS NEEDED if you want php support)
(store the files you want to serve up in a directory named "html") (before running these commands please change the "host" & "port" values to your liking in leal.rb)
$ ruby leal.rb # run this command or
$ ruby leal.rb -h $HOSTNAME -p $PORT -l [$LOG_FILE or none] run this command
$ ruby leal -h # for help