Class to simplify communication with Seaweed-FS_
From PyPI:
pip install pyseaweed
Install dependencies:
pip install -r test_requirements.txt
Run tests:
python tests
Or using nose:
Functional tests assumes that there is Seaweed-FS master running on localhost:9333 (defaults). If it's not then there will be errors in tests.
Upload file to weedFS
from pyseaweed import WeedFS
# File upload
w = WeedFS("localhost", 9333) # weed-fs master address and port
fid = w.upload_file("n.txt") # path to file
# Get file url
file_url = w.get_file_url(fid)
# Delete file
res = w.delete_file(fid)
# res is boolean (True if file was deleted)