Copy the files inside sublime-snippets
directory to C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User
to enable tab triggers in Sublime-Text.
- modular: Handling modular integers
- matrix: Matrix with binary exponentiation utility
- monoid: Storing floating points in
format - totient: Euler totient function (for given integer only)
- totient_sieve: Computing totient function for
1, 2, ..., n
- spf: Sieve of smallest prime factors
- primes: Getting all the primes number within given upper bound
- dsu: Disjoint union-find data structure
- pbds: Priority-based data structures
- fenwick: Fenwick tree for prefix sums
- sparse_table: Sparse table
- min_queue: Get minimum in queue in constant time
- max_queue: Get maximum in queue in constant time
- segtree: Segment tree (without lazy propagation)
- lazy_segtree: Segment tree (with lazy propagation)
- mo1: Query structure for Mo's algorithm
- mo2: For updating range to current query
- z_function: Computing Z-values
- prefix_function: Computing prefix function
- string_hash: Rabin-karp hashing
- trie: Trie of strings
- trie_bit: Trie of bits
- centroid: Centroid of each subtree in a tree
- diameter: Diameter of a tree
- scc: Kosaraju' algorithm for strongly connected components
- digraph: Directed graphs with edges over a range (See this)
- lca: Computing lca using rmq
- lca_binarylift: Computing lca using binary lift
- lca_seg: Computing lca using segment tree
- hld_point: HLD decomposition considering point updates
- hld_range: HLD decomposition considering range updates
- point: 2d points
- line_int: 2d straight lines
- line_double: 2d straight lines
- dynamic_hull: Finding optimal
ax + b
for givenx
using convex hull trick
- debug: Debugging utility (except
integers and static arrays) - pr: Debugging utility for
integers and static arrays