PredictionIO is a prediction server for building smart applications. While you search data through a database server, you can make prediction through PredictionIO.
With PredictionIO, you can write apps
- that predict user behaviors based on solid data science
- using your choice of state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms
- without worrying about scalability
Detailed documentation is available on our documentation site.
PredictionIO Project Website:
Install PredictionIO from Source Code:
The goal of the server license is to require that enhancements to the PredictionIO core be released to the community. We promise that your client application, which connects to PredictionIO through SDKs or APIs, is a separate work. Official PredictionIO SDKs are released under Apache license, which is copyleft free.
PredictionIO supported SDKs: Apache License v2.0.
Free Software Foundation’s GNU AGPL v3.0.
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported.