PDFToImage is a ruby gem which allows for conversion of a PDF document into images. It uses poppler_utils to first convert the document to PNG and then allows usage of ImageMagick to convert the image into other formats.
The reasoning behind using poppler_utils is due to the fact that ghostscript occasionally has trouble with certain PDF documents which poppler_utils seems to be able to parse without error.
require 'pdftoimage' images = PDFToImage.open('somefile.pdf') images.each do |img| img.resize('50%').save("output/page-#{img.page}.jpg") end require 'pdftoimage' PDFToImage.open('anotherpdf.pdf') do |page| page.resize('150').quality('80%').save('out/thumbnail-#{page.page}.jpg") end
$ gem install pdftoimage
Copyright © 2010 Rob Flynn
See LICENSE.txt for details.