Tags: uwing85213/rtsp-simple-server
Toggle v0.17.17's commit message
rtmp, hls: fix wrong timestamp computation that happened at 28h28m
this was caused by a int64 overflow.
Toggle v0.17.16's commit message
fix crash that happened when publishing audio with RTMP (bluenviron#810 )
Toggle v0.17.15's commit message
rtsp source: fix crash in case a PLAY request fails
Toggle v0.17.14's commit message
Add new parameter 'runOnReady' (bluenviron#752 )
This is called when a stream is ready, whether it is published or proxied.
It replaces 'runOnPublsh'.
Toggle v0.17.13's commit message
hls: fix intermittent audio on iOS
Toggle v0.17.12's commit message
print debug log message in case of non-critical authentication errors
Toggle v0.17.11's commit message
Toggle v0.17.10's commit message
rtsp server: reply with code 454 when session is not found
Toggle v0.17.9's commit message
Toggle v0.17.8's commit message
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