The Benchmark Suite goal is to implement standard tasks at varying levels of difficulty that can be achieved with several robots for which a MoveIt configuration is available.
This project was initially started as part of GSoC 2021 (all the way up to this commit). More details are included in MoveIt issue #2717.
The benchmark suite can run benchmarks, aggregate data and plot data with GNUPlot. A detail look of these pipelines is available here. Documention for each benchmark is available here.
For benchmarking regression, read this section.
The resources package keeps all the necessary information to run the benchmarks (object mesh, object metadata, scenes, requests, configuration for IK and motion planning).
- The scene_parser package.
- To benchmark STOMP with the
you need to add the planning pipeline in themove_group.launch
<!-- STOMP -->
<include ns="stomp" file="$(find moveit_resources_panda_moveit_config)/launch/planning_pipeline.launch.xml">
<arg name="pipeline" value="stomp" />
Some section of code is based on robowflex_library from Zachary Kingston.