emCoNLL is a (half-baked) script converting emtsv output to CoNLL-U format.
What's in this repo:
- converter.py the script itself
- vizilo.tsv small input example
- vizilo.conll small output example
- conll_features about the formats
python3 -m emconll -i vizilo.tsv > vizilo.conll
There are options to support the standardish variaton of the format:
: Print header (useful, but not required for CoNLL-U)--force-id
: Generate IDs when no dependency parse present--add-space-after-no
: If misc column is empty and tokenisation information (wsafter column) is present, addSpaceAfter=no
when needed--extra-columns key1:val1,key2:val2
: Add extra columns after the mandatory 10 columns using the available ones: keys (e.g. key1, key2) are the existing column names which will be converted to the desired names denoted by vals (e.g. val1, val2)