napari: a fast, interactive, multi-dimensional image viewer for python
Custom widget library for PyQt5 and PySide2 (Qt for Python). Free to use in your own applications.
A PyQt config manager. Keep Qt widgets in sync with an config dictionary and/or QSettings object.
Demo desktop apps built with Python & Qt. With examples for PyQt6, PySide6, PyQt5 & PySide2
Quill's library of open source NLP algorithms and data sets.
English language writing assistant
Suggest Matching Sentence from a Corpus based on given keywords. This a pure NLP based project which suggests matching and synonymous words and ranked sentences from an uploaded corpus of papers. A…
Read NYT and Guardian editorials distraction free with important sentences and words highlighted to improve your writing skills
A sentence search engine that fetches examples from trusted news/media organisations. Great for writing better English.
USACO, CCC, DMOJ, codeforces solutions
Alphastar Ada master course CC39-21 - Covers several different CP competitions