Picodiff is a minimal implementation of reverese mode automatic differentiation in c++ built on Eigen. It doesn't use a tape but tracks dependencies in a graph, avoiding recomputations by counting children and grad updates on every node.
Below is a simple implementation of a feed forward neural net with 1000 training steps.
#include "autograd.h"
int main()
// declare leaf variables
Variable x(MatrixXd::Random(100,20));
Variable y(MatrixXd::Random(100,1));
Variable layer_1(MatrixXd::Random(20,64));
Variable layer_2(MatrixXd::Random(64,64));
Variable layer_3(MatrixXd::Random(64,1));
double step_size = 0.0001;
for(int i=0;i<1000;i++)
// variables created by operators are added to graph
Variable x1_ = (x*layer_1);
Variable x1 = x1_.sigmoid();
Variable x2_ = (x1*layer_2);
Variable x2 = x2_.sigmoid();
Variable y_hat = (x2*layer_3);
Variable diff = (y-y_hat);
Variable loss = diff.square();
Variable loss_r = loss.mean();
// take a gradient step
layer_1.gradient_step(step_size); layer_2.gradient_step(step_size); layer_3.gradient_step(step_size);
// set grads to zero
layer_1.reset(); layer_2.reset(); layer_3.reset(); x.reset(); y.reset();
// clear the autograd graph and delete intermediate variables
return 0;
- implement reshape ops
- support more reduction ops - sum, min, max
- enable double backward
- create nn package