FS Demo with ESRE and Google's GenAI - Updated to use Gemini 2.0 Flash
Data source used:
- Your favourite bank website, web-crawled via Elastic Enterprise Search --> used for general information queries on elastibank_home.py
- Public bank contracts / documentations (see a pdf example in datasets folder) --> used for contract summarization/domain specific queries on elastibank_contract.py
- Credit card Transactions dataset (like the csv in the datasets folder) --> used for transaction analysis in elastibank_transcations.py
Queries for the elasticbank_home page:
List the type of bank accounts you offer. Specify details for each of these
list the account types you are offering in bullet points with their key features
Do you offer car loans? If yes describe their rates and details
What information do you need to properly support me in transaction dispute?
For the elasticbank_contract page:
How much does it cost to receive a wire transfer in dollar from the US in my italian bank account?
Please list all the related fees and clauses of transferring money from an US dollar bank account to an italian euro bank account
Could you please list in bullet points the economic conditions for SEPA wire transfers?
for the elasticbank_transactions try those questions:
- Please list all transactions for rideshare/taxis and their details. Highlight what the vendor was
- What's the highest electricity bill I had? Can you please list all the information about this transaction?
- Sum all of my spending in transportation last month and List all the related transactions in bullet points
- List with bullet points all the food and drink transactions. Underline the ones greater than 20 dollars
- Which transactions are food related? List them in bullet points
- Have I spent any money for drugs? If yes how much?
- What's the highest electricity bill I had? Can you please list all the information about this transaction?
Check valerioarvizzigno/homecraft_vertex repo for installation guide. It's the same for both