GAN training hyperparameter tuning quantitative investigation
Create a new Colab Notebook
Connect to the desired runtime (CPU/GPU/TPU) and mount Google Drive
Execute this code snippet on a Colab notebook
# Install colab_ssh on google colab
!pip install colab_ssh --upgrade
# Install TF-GAN
!pip install tensorflow-gan
# Setup Git identity
!git config --global "[email protected]"
!git config --global "Vinicius Alves"
# Setup aliases
# Start Cloudflare Tunnel
from colab_ssh import launch_ssh_cloudflared, init_git_cloudflared
User SSH Remote extension on VSCode to connect to the VSCode Remote SSH
Open a VSCode terminal and create the following directory
mkdir /content/drive/MyDrive/colab/repositories
- Clone this repository with the following command
cd /content/drive/MyDrive/colab/repositories
git clone https://{PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN}{REPO}.git
- Open the following folder on VSCode:
mkdir /content/drive/MyDrive/colab/
Connect VSCode to Google Colab Google Drive + Google Colab + GitHub