Vanfs (vandi's virtual file system) is a virtual file system.
Vanfs isn't supposed to be a real file system, it only looks like a file system.
To install vanfs on windows you need to follow this steps
install go if you don't have it.
go install
Enjoy your vanfs
To install vanfs on linux or macos you need to follow this steps
install go if you don't have it.
install git if you don't have it.
Clone the repository.
git clone cd vanfs
You have two variants
Use Makefile
make install # you can edit the bin path in the Makefile
Be sure that you are at the root of the project.
2. Install by yourself
sudo rm -rf /usr/bin/vanfs # or your bin path
go build
sudo mv vanfs /usr/bin # or your bin path
Be sure that you are at the root of the project.
Enjoy your vanfs
If you run the program you will see the start menu
to choose a variant use arrows up and down
to exit use ctrl+c
To storage the directory tree and all file data should be a directory (in the real filesystem) with all files and the file with tree
You can enter any name.
Default name will be vfs
After you need to enter path to backup directory
The directory should exist, or the program will trow an error
Default will be current path/vfs_backup/
Congratulations! You have created your vanfs
Enter path to backup directory
Congratulations! You have loaded your vanfs
It loads from env.
to set path you need on linux you can do this
export VFS_PATH="/home/your_username/vfs_data"
The directory should exist, or the program will trow an error
After running vanfs and choosing "Load from default path" the vfs will load
After creating and loading your vfs you can run this commands
cd {path}
move your current directory to another directory
cd /
moves you to the root
cd ..
moves a directory higher in the directory tree
you can use
cd ../..
going two directories higher
cd ../../..
going three directories higher
cd /home
going to home directory
ls shows the list of directories and files
mkdir {path for cd}/{name}
creates a directory as the command was
cd {path for cd} mkdir {name}
however cd can't move to not existing directory, and here it will create all directories that not exist.
rmdir {name}
removes a directory with name
rmdir {path for cd}/{name}
rmdir {path for cd}/{name}
it is as
cd {path for cd} rmdir {name}
and here if any directory in cd command or in rmdir does not exist it sends an error
of {name}
opens a file i text editor based on text area
you can write any text
to save
to exit
for all {name} it is the same as with mkdir with entering any path.
ls {path (could be empty)}
shows list of all directories and files
tree {path (could be empty)}
shows the tree