Cross-domain Prerequisite Chain Learning using Heterogeneous Variational Graph Autoencoders (H-VGAE)
This repo contains code and data for our paper published in NeurIPS 2021. Irene Li and Vanessa Yan collaborated on this project. The writeup was written by Vanessa Yan.
For H-GVAE code, run "python3" For baselines, open the jupyter notebook titled "trainBaselines.ipynb"
The /data repo has two subrepos /CV and /NLP.
The /data/CV repo contains 5 training and testing sets consisting of Computer Vision concepts pairs and their corresponding prerequisite annotation. These sets were created with 5 different random seeds in /data/ The full set of CV topics can be found in /data/CV/final.CV151topics.tsv. The full set of CV annotations can be found in /data/CV/final.CV.annotation.csv. The full set of CV lecture slides can be found in /data/CV/final.CV1024slides.tsv. Within the /data/NLP repo, you will find the full list of NLP topics in /final.NLP322topics.tsv, the full set of NLP annotations in /final.NLP.annotation.csv, and the full set of NLP lecture slides in /final.NLP1717slides.tsv.
In the /concepts repo , you will find a file /combined_concepts.tsv which is a combined list of the NLP and CV concepts. /cv_annotations.csv is a fullset of the CV annotations. The full set of the CV concepts is also available in both .csv and .txt format in this folder.
The /edges/ file is used to prepare the adjacency matrix A.
The /transformers and /finetuning_BERT repos are used for finetuning BERT embeddings via the masked language modeling task on our own corpus. The repo /combined-test-mlm stores the finetuned BERT model.,,,, and make up the implementation of the H-VGAE model.