A binary distribution of the Arm Embedded GCC toolchain
Four-channel CANFD analyzer based on hpmicro hpm5361
A simple key/value database implementation for microcontrollers.
STM32, VSCode and CMake detailed tutorial
No PR will be accepted for now, but feel free to submit issue, very appreciated.
Flare ✨ Lightweight, high performance and fast self-hosted navigation pages, resource utilization rate is <1% CPU, MEM <30 M, Docker Image < 10M
WireGuard VPN server installer for Ubuntu, Debian, AlmaLinux, Rocky Linux, CentOS, Fedora, openSUSE and Raspberry Pi OS
Data visualization software for embedded devices and projects
STM32 examples for USART using DMA for efficient RX and TX transmission
Aggegration of ARM Cortex-M (and other) CMSIS SVDs and related tools
Primary Git Repository for the Zephyr Project. Zephyr is a new generation, scalable, optimized, secure RTOS for multiple hardware architectures.
linux-chenxing / buildroot
Forked from buildroot/buildrootBuildroot, making embedded Linux easy. Note that this is not the official repository, but only a mirror. The official Git repository is at Do not open issues or…
A simple Arduino library for communication with NB-IoT/Cat-M1 modules
This communicates ATECC608A-TNGTLS secure chip from ESP32 and connects to AWS IOT configured for "Multi-Account-Registration"
A Simple cross-platform library for communicating with HID devices
Awesome machine learning for combinatorial optimization papers.
Eclipse ThreadX is an advanced real-time operating system (RTOS) designed specifically for deeply embedded applications.
中文的C++ Template的教学指南。与知名书籍C++ Templates不同,该系列教程将C++ Templates作为一门图灵完备的语言来讲授,以求帮助读者对Meta-Programming融会贯通。(正在施工中)
ZXing ("Zebra Crossing") barcode scanning library for Java, Android
基于zxing的扫一扫,优化了扫描二维码速度,集成最新版本的jar包(zxing-core.jar 3.3.3),集成简单,速度快,可配置颜色,还有闪光灯,解析二维码图片,生成二维码等功能
OpenTrace Android app. Reference implementation of the BlueTrace protocol.
A research protocol for deep graph matching.