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JSPWiki is a simple (well, not any more) WikiWiki clone, written in Java and JSP. A WikiWiki is a web site which allows anyone to participate in its development. JSPWiki supports all the traditional wiki features, as well as very detailed access control and security integration using JAAS.
- For more information see
Okay, so you wanna Wiki? You'll need the following things:
A JSP engine that supports Servlet API 2.5. We recommend Tomcat from for a really easy installation. Tomcat 6.x or later is supported.
Some previous administration experience... If you've ever installed Apache or any other web server, you should be pretty well off.
And of course, a server to run the JSP engine on.
JDK 1.6+
- JavaMail package from, if you want to use log4j mailing capabilities. You'll also need the Java Activation Framework.
This section is meant for you, if you just want to have a really quick install without much worries. If you want to have a more complicated installation (with more power as to how to do things), check out the "Install" section below.
Since JSPWiki 2.1.153, JSPWiki comes with a really simple installation engine. Just do the following:
Install Tomcat from (or any other servlet container)
Rename the JSPWiki.war file from the download and rename it based on your desired URL (if you want it different from /JSPWiki). For example, if you want your URL to be http://.../wiki, rename it to wiki.war. This name will be referred to as below. Place this WAR in your $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps folder and then start Tomcat.
Point your browser at http:////Install.jsp
Answer a couple of simple questions
Restart your container
Point your browser to http:////
That's it!
In the $TOMCAT_HOME/lib folder (or equivalent based on your servlet container), place a file, which can contain any overrides to the default ini/ file in the JSPWiki JAR. For any values not placed in file JSPWiki will rely on the default file. Review the default file to look for values you may wish to override in the custom file. Some common values to override in your custom file include jspwiki.xmlUserDatabaseFile, jspwiki.xmlGroupDatabaseFile jspwiki.fileSystemProvider.pageDir, jspwiki.basicAttachmentProvider.storageDir, and log4j.appender.FileLog.File. The comments in the default file will suggest appropriate values to override them with.
The custom file can also be placed in the WEB-INF/ folder of the WAR, but storing this file in TOMCAT_HOME/lib allows you to upgrade the JSPWiki WAR without needing to re-insert your customizations.
Unzip the contents of into your newly created directory. You can find the rest of the documentation in the file.
(Re)start tomcat.
Point your browser at http:///MyWiki/. You should see the Main Wiki page. See the next section if you want to edit the pages =).
The WEB-INF/jspwiki.policy file is used to change access permissions for the Wiki.
Check the Apache JSPWiki website and project documentation for additional setup and configuration suggestions.
Please read ReleaseNotes and the UPGRADING document available with this distribution.
Questions can be asked to JSPWiki team members and fellow users via the jspwiki-users mailing list: See Please use the user mailing list instead of contacting team members directly, and as this is a public list stored in public archives, be sure to avoid including any sensitive information (passwords, data, etc.) in your questions.