pagine Public
Personal blog
ast-types Public
Forked from benjamn/ast-typesEsprima-compatible implementation of the Mozilla JS Parser API
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedMay 7, 2023 -
An Esprima-compatible JavaScript parser
JavaScript BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedApr 20, 2023 -
Espresso-Martini Public
Forked from TheInkedEngineer/Espresso-MartiniA Vapor-powered, Swift mock server for iOS, macOS applications as well as a local server.
Swift UpdatedFeb 24, 2023 -
eslint Public
Forked from eslint/eslintFind and fix problems in your JavaScript code.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedDec 29, 2020 -
react Public
Forked from facebook/reactA declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 19, 2019 -
Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. πππ
JavaScript BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedMay 2, 2019 -
crossfilter Public
Forked from crossfilter/crossfilterFast n-dimensional filtering and grouping of records.
JavaScript Other UpdatedFeb 26, 2018 -
blink Public
Blink let's you log important moments of your life. Users can create text, audio, and video logs and share it with friends and family.
Java UpdatedSep 5, 2017 -
datamaps Public
Forked from markmarkoh/datamapsCustomizable SVG map visualizations for the web in a single Javascript file using D3.js
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 21, 2017 -
pygta5 Public
Forked from Sentdex/pygta5Explorations of Using Python to play Grand Theft Auto 5.
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedAug 12, 2017 -
raw Public
Forked from rawgraphs/rawgraphs-appThe missing link between spreadsheets and data visualization
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 21, 2017 -
Polimatters Public
Forked from densitydesign/Polimattersan interactive visualization showing the correlation between theses keywords used in the Politecnico faculties and design schools
JavaScript UpdatedJun 12, 2017 -
Particle-NeoPixel Public
Forked from technobly/Particle-NeoPixelAn Implementation of Adafruit's NeoPixel Library for Particle devices: Spark Core, Photon, P1 and Electron.
C++ Other UpdatedJun 7, 2017 -
mappify Public
Reads cities and countries from a CSV and converts them into location coordinates
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMay 2, 2017 -
johnny-five Public
Forked from rwaldron/johnny-fiveJavaScript Robotics and IoT programming framework, developed at Bocoup.
JavaScript Other UpdatedApr 13, 2017 -
lynk Public
Home automation using a Spark Core, Particle Cloud SDK, Android and Firebase.
lynk-ios Public
Home automation using a Spark Core, Particle Cloud SDK, iOS and Firebase.
Swift UpdatedDec 29, 2016 -
hogan.js Public
Forked from twitter/hogan.jsA compiler for the Mustache templating language
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 7, 2016 -
node-wit Public
Forked from wit-ai/node-witNode.js SDK for Wit.ai
JavaScript Other UpdatedDec 5, 2016