This project has been archived, please visit:
pi@raspberrypi:~/hax0rpi $ ./hax0rpi
_ ___ _
| |__ __ ___ __/ _ \ _ __ _ __ (_)
| '_ \ / _' \ \/ / | | | '__| '_ \| |
| | | | (_| |> <| |_| | | | |_) | |
|_| |_|\__,_/_/\_\\___/|_| | .__/|_|
A Raspberry Pi Hacker Tools suite by Vay3t
This installer will load a comprehensive of hacker tools
suite onto your Raspberry Pi. Note that the Raspbian
distribution must be installed onto the SD card before
proceeding. See README (if exist) for more information.
Migrated to
I do not like to be filled with tools, so I try to put the least possible
sudo apt-get install git -y
git clone
cd hax0rpi
chmod +x hax0rpi
sudo rm -r hax0rpi/
sudo reboot
sudo apt-get install curl -y
curl -s | bash
sudo reboot
umount /dev/mmcblk0p1
umount /dev/mmcblk0p2
dd bs=4M if=2020-02-13-raspbian-buster-lite.img of=/dev/mmcblk0
more information:
- apache2 - http daemon
- arp-scan - scans lan
- crunch - password list generator
- curl -
- dhex -
- dnsmasq - DNS forwarder
- dsniff - packet sniffer
- ettercap-text-only - packet sniffer
- gdb - gnu debugger
- git - development tool for cloning repositories
- hexedit -
- hostapd - wireless utility for hosting an access point
- hydra - Login bruteforce utility
- iw - wireless utilities
- john -
- kismet -
- libimage-exiftool-perl - perl tool for metadata files
- locate - local file location database
- macchanger - utility to change network MAC address
- masscan - Port scanning utility
- mariadb-client - mariadb database client
- mariadb-server - mariadb database server
- nbtscan - Utility for scanning Windows or Samba network shares
- nmap - Port scanning utility
- mycli - mysql client
- openvpn - VPN software
- php - Dynamic scripting language for web applications
- proxychains - Utility to forward selected apps through a proxy or chain of proxies
- python-dev - Python development libraries
- python-pip - Python packages
- ruby-full - install ruby
- screen - screen terminal
- smbclient - samba client
- sslstrip - Utility to scan for HTTPS connections and obfuscate to non-SSL addresses
- tcpdump - Packet sniffing utility
- tmux - terminal with anabolics
- tor - Anonymous onion routing
- torsocks - utility socks for tor
- tree - Directory listing utility
- vim - text editor and IDE
- wipe - Secure drive/data erasure utility
- wireless-tools - Linux Wireless tools
- whois - internet address lookup utility
- scapy
- crackmapexec
- wafw00f
- sqlmap
- shodan
- pixiewps - Offline WiFi protected setup brute-force utility
- reaver - Wifi cracking utility
- aircrack-ng - wifi cracking utility
- mdk4 - aircrack utility?
- cewl - Ruby utility to spider a website, collecting data for password cracking
- Windows exploit suggester - self-explanatory, compares Windows patch level against vulnerabilities
- commix - utility to exploit web vulnerabilities through query command injection
- theharvester - utility to gather searchable open information about a host address
- exploit database - command line utility to search exploit database
- rock3tman - script to setup a VPN
- Kali Linux Windows binaries - win32 binaries for use on windows systems
- metasploit - exploitation framework
- anemone
- wpscan
I accept suggestions