pi@raspberrypi:~/hax0rpi $ ./hax0rpi
_ ___ _
| |__ __ ___ __/ _ \ _ __ _ __ (_)
| '_ \ / _' \ \/ / | | | '__| '_ \| |
| | | | (_| |> <| |_| | | | |_) | |
|_| |_|\__,_/_/\_\\___/|_| | .__/|_|
A Raspberry Pi Hacker Tools suite by Vay3t
This installer will load a comprehensive of hacker tools
suite onto your Raspberry Pi. Note that the Raspbian
distribution must be installed onto the SD card before
proceeding. See README (if exist) for more information.
I do not like to be filled with tools, so I try to put the least possible
sudo apt-get install git -y
git clone https://github.com/vay3t/hax0rpi
cd hax0rpi
chmod +x hax0rpi
sudo rm -r hax0rpi/
sudo reboot
sudo apt-get install curl -y
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vay3t/hax0rpi/master/hax0rpi | bash
sudo reboot
wget https://downloads.raspberrypi.org/raspbian_lite/images/raspbian_lite-2020-02-14/2020-02-13-raspbian-buster-lite.zip
unzip 2020-02-13-raspbian-buster-lite.zip
umount /dev/mmcblk0p1
umount /dev/mmcblk0p2
dd bs=4M if=2020-02-13-raspbian-buster-lite.img of=/dev/mmcblk0
more information: https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/installation/installing-images/linux.md
- apache2 - http daemon
- arp-scan - scans lan
- crunch - password list generator
- curl -
- dhex -
- dnsmasq - DNS forwarder
- dsniff - packet sniffer
- ettercap-text-only - packet sniffer
- gdb - gnu debugger
- git - development tool for cloning repositories
- hexedit -
- hostapd - wireless utility for hosting an access point
- hydra - Login bruteforce utility
- iw - wireless utilities
- john -
- kismet -
- libimage-exiftool-perl - perl tool for metadata files
- locate - local file location database
- macchanger - utility to change network MAC address
- masscan - Port scanning utility
- mariadb-client - mariadb database client
- mariadb-server - mariadb database server
- nbtscan - Utility for scanning Windows or Samba network shares
- nmap - Port scanning utility
- mycli - mysql client
- openvpn - VPN software
- php - Dynamic scripting language for web applications
- proxychains - Utility to forward selected apps through a proxy or chain of proxies
- python-dev - Python development libraries
- python-pip - Python packages
- ruby-full - install ruby
- screen - screen terminal
- smbclient - samba client
- sslstrip - Utility to scan for HTTPS connections and obfuscate to non-SSL addresses
- tcpdump - Packet sniffing utility
- tmux - terminal with anabolics
- tor - Anonymous onion routing
- torsocks - utility socks for tor
- tree - Directory listing utility
- vim - text editor and IDE
- wipe - Secure drive/data erasure utility
- wireless-tools - Linux Wireless tools
- whois - internet address lookup utility
- scapy
- crackmapexec
- wafw00f
- sqlmap
- shodan
- pixiewps - Offline WiFi protected setup brute-force utility
- reaver - Wifi cracking utility
- aircrack-ng - wifi cracking utility
- mdk4 - aircrack utility?
- cewl - Ruby utility to spider a website, collecting data for password cracking
- Windows exploit suggester - self-explanatory, compares Windows patch level against vulnerabilities
- commix - utility to exploit web vulnerabilities through query command injection
- theharvester - utility to gather searchable open information about a host address
- exploit database - command line utility to search exploit database
- rock3tman - script to setup a VPN
- Kali Linux Windows binaries - win32 binaries for use on windows systems
- metasploit - exploitation framework
- anemone
- wpscan
I accept suggestions