OpenFOAM solvers for Eikonal equation.
The solvers can be used within both OpenFOAM-v2.3.x and OpenFOAM-v2112.
-The folder "cylinder Re=150, M=0.2" contains configurations files to run eikonal solver for the test case described in Sec. 4.1.1 of Ref.[1]. eikonal solver generates alpha field to be included in 0 folder in the case reported in caafom solver (
[1] V. D'Alessandro, M. Falone, R. Ricci. Direct computation of aeroacoustic fields in laminar flows: solver development and assessment of wall temperature effects on radiated sound around bluff bodies. Comput. & Fluids (2020) a case described in Sec. 4.1.1 of Ref.[1].