To try out this demo you can use the application Halting Shock
on repo and deploy it on Openshift. The instructions to deploy this application can be found in
This demostration uses a namespace called demo.
- Create namespace demo
oc new-project demo
- Install 3scale-toolbox to generate 3scale-toolbox remote config file. To do so, first you will have to download and install 3scale-toolbox in your machine. Reference and documentation abou 3scale-toolbox can be found here, and installation file to you S.O. distribution can be found here. Execute 3scale command to connect to a 3scale installation:
3scale remote add <remote-name> https://<user-key>@<3scale-admin-URL>
- Create a config map with your 3scale configuration file (.3scalerc.yaml) in your home directory. Or change values in file cm-toolbox.yaml and apply to demo namespace.
oc create configmap toolbox --from-file=$HOME/.3scale.yaml
- Fill up required parameters
Parameter: service-system-name
Description: Service System name
Parameter: remote
Description: 3Scale remote name given to generate 3scalerc.yaml.
Parameter: base-url
Description: API Service Base URL.
Parameter: prod-url
Description: Production Service URL
Parameter: context-dir
Description: Directory to clone application code.
Parameter: swagger-file
Description: Name of swagger file that contains remote configuration
Parameter: verbose
Description: Debug script
Parameter: account
Description: Account ID
Parameter: app-plan-name
description: Application Plan name
Parameter: service-id
Description: Service ID
Parameter: app-name
description: Application name
- Create resources in Openshift
oc apply -f 3scale/
oc apply -f tasks/