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Scalable Vega

A demo of how to run Vega with a database. This is a fork of this project by @heavyairship, which is a fork of another project by @domoritz.

Workspace Packages


The primary Scalable Vega library component to be used in your application.


An interactive web demo of Scalable Vega components with examples of updating data and chart variables.


The middleware server required for running the Scalable Vega code and interacting with the user chosen database.


  1. Install and start PostgreSQL.
  2. Create a PostgreSQL database named scalable_vega, e.g., createdb scalable_vega. You don't need to do anything if you want to use DuckDB.


  1. Run git clone [email protected]:leibatt/scalable-vega.git.
  2. Run yarn --frozen-lockfile and yarn build to install scalable-vega library dependencies.
  3. For using prepopulated database in demo, look at additional notes.

Running Middleware Server

  1. Run yarn build:server to install scalable-vega server dependencies.
  2. Run yarn start:server_pg to start the application server with postgres, for DuckDB run yarn start:server_duck
  3. All the config information for the databases and server (including user, password and ports to be used) is currently stored in the ./packages/server/duck_db.js/./packages/server/postgres_db.js files and can be customized.

Running the Web Demo

  1. Make sure you have the middleware server running.
  2. In another terminal window, run cd /path/to/dev/repos/scalable-vega.
  3. Run yarn build:app to build dependencies for the demo/application UI.
  4. Run yarn start:app to start the web server.
  5. Open a browser tab to localhost:1234.
  6. Upload the cars dataset from ./sample_data/data/cars.json to the data input or click on the Upload Demo Data button.
  7. After uploading a dataset to database, upload a cars vega spec from ./sample_data/data/specs/specs/ to the specs inputor click on the Show me a Demo Spec button and see the visualization.

Running Unit Tests

  1. Again make sure you have the middleware server running.
  2. In another terminal window, run cd /path/to/dev/repos/scalable-vega.
  3. The Unit Tests assume a prepopulated database, either do so by uploading data using the web demo or use the provided database (look at additional notes).
  4. For running the unit tests:
    1. For PostgreSQL, yarn test transform_pg
    2. For DuckDB, yarn test transform_duckdb

Additional Notes

  1. Prepopulated Database, We have provided prepopulated databases and scripts for PostgreSQL and DuckDB in ./packages/server/database
    1. For PostgreSQL, use a command like psql dbname < infile. For example, psql postgresql://postgres@localhost/scalable_vega < ./packages/server/database/scalable_vega.sql
    2. For DuckDB you can run yarn start:duckdb-sample which will populate a duckdb database file with 5 tables. You can customize the name of the db file being used by making changes in ./packages/server/server.js and ./packages/server/database/duckdb_insertion.js
  2. If you face Cannot find name 'expect' type error while running tests
    1. Run yarn add @types/jest -D