step 1: create a file as .zshrc in Users/your_name/ directory and open it using TextEditor (note: no need to create if already exist)
step 2: paste the below code at the end of that file and save it
function git_branch_name()
branch=$(git symbolic-ref HEAD 2> /dev/null | awk 'BEGIN{FS="/"} {print $NF}')
if [[ $branch == "" ]];
echo ' %F{cyan}('$branch')%f'
setopt prompt_subst;
PS1="%K{default}%F{magenta}%B%1~%b%f"'$(git_branch_name)'"%k %# "
step 3: restart your terminal/integrated-terminal to see the changes
Refer to this zsh site and change the PS1 value according to your choice