###I used:###
- Scala [2.13.1]
- Java [8]
- SBT [1.3.3]
###Problem### The problem is to find all unique configurations of a set of normal chess pieces on a chess board with dimensions M×N where none of the pieces is in a position to take any of the others. Providing the number of results is useful, but not enough to complete the assignment. Assume the colour of the piece does not matter, and that there are no pawns among the pieces.
###Main Question### please provide with your answer the total number of unique configurations for a 7×7 board with:
- 2 Kings,
- 2 Queens,
- 2 Bishops
- 1 Knight.
Also provide the time it took to get the final score. Needless to say, the lower the time, the better.
###Main Answer###
- The total number of unique configurations for a 7×7 board: 3063828
- Time: too much... 238.29 s