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Streaming an LLM response on the Edge

This is a demo of the Vercel AI SDK with Next.js using the Edge Runtime

This template uses React Server Components and the AI SDK to stream an LLM response on the Edge to the client.

How it works

The index route / uses the Edge Runtime through:

export const runtime = "edge";

A stream is created using an AI provider SDK and the Vercel AI SDK:

const response = await openai.createChatCompletion({
  model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
  stream: true,
  messages: [
      role: "user",
        "Act like as if you are a travel expert. Provide a list of 5 things to do in " +
        city +
        " " +
        timezone +
        " and start with 'here's a...'",

// Convert the response into a friendly text-stream
// See other supported providers:
const stream = OpenAIStream(response);

Then just pass the stream to the the <Tokens /> component from the Vercel AI SDK:

import { Tokens } from "ai/react";

// and then in the component

return <Tokens stream={stream} />

How does the Tokens component work?

The <Tokens /> component in the SDK uses React Suspense and recursion stream the results to the client. Here's a simple implementation:

export async function Tokens({ stream }: { stream: ReadableStream }) {
  const reader = stream.getReader();

  return (
      <RecursiveTokens reader={reader} />

async function RecursiveTokens({
}: {
  reader: ReadableStreamDefaultReader,
}) {
  const { done, value } = await;

  if (done) {
    return null;

  const text = new TextDecoder().decode(value);

  return (
      <Suspense fallback={null}>
        <RecursiveTokens reader={reader} />