The C# client SDK for Kubernetes API spec on .NET 4.5+ platform.
Create a client instance using configuration parsed from %USERPROFILE%\.kube\config
with specified authentication type.
// Initialize client with default kube config using SSL authentication
IKubernetesClient k8sClient = new KubeConfigClientConfiguration().CreateClient(AuthType.SSLAuth);
Create a client using custom path to kubeconfig
string configPath = "path\\to\\kube\\config";
IKubernetesClient k8sClient = new KubeConfigClientConfiguration(configPath).CreateClient(AuthType.SSLAuth);
Create a client instance by extending IClientConfiguration
for custom configuration and authentication type.
// Initialize client with user provided SSL configuration
IKubernetesClient k8sClient = new SslClientConfiguration
ClusterUri = new Uri(""),
Certificate = new X509Certificate2("path\\to\\cert.pfx", "password")
V1PodList podList = k8sClient.CoreApi.ListNamespacedPod("default");
foreach (V1Pod pod in podList.Items)
Console.WriteLine($"Pod name={pod.Metadata.Name}, object={pod.ToString()}");
new V1Pod(
Metadata: new V1ObjectMeta(Name: "iis-example"),
Spec: new V1PodSpec(
Containers: new List<V1Container>
new V1Container(
Image: "microsoft/iis:nanoserver",
Name: "iis",
Ports: new List<V1ContainerPort> { new V1ContainerPort(ContainerPort: 80) })
Generate C# client using docker container. Image definition in scripts/Dockerfile
- BouncyCastle
- Newtonsoft.Json
- RestSharp
- YamlDotNet
docker build -t k8s-client-gen .
: Kubernetes API version, i.e. "release-1.7".GEN_OP_TYPE
: Type of code gen operation, i.e. "create" or "update".
docker run -e "K8S_BRANCH_VERSION=release-1.7" -e "GEN_OP_TYPE=create" -v /path/to/code/root/:/usr/src/app/gen/ k8s-client-gen
docker run -e "K8S_BRANCH_VERSION=release-1.7" -e "GEN_OP_TYPE=update" -v /path/to/code/root/:/usr/src/app/gen/ k8s-client-gen