- Zaporozhye, Ukraine
- https://lineengraver.com
Starred repositories
Complete source code of the official Windscribe iOS application.
A framework for parsing and transforming text in Markdown format written in Swift 5 for macOS, iOS, and Linux. The syntax is based on the CommonMark specification. The framework defines an abstract…
Privacy oriented video player for iOS, tvOS and macOS
A minimal example of rendering an immersive spatial experience with Metal, ARKit, and visionOS Compositing Services
A SwiftUI view modifier that provides pinch to zoom, double tap to zoom, and drag to pan functionalities.
Hundreds of Core Image filters wrapped as CIImage modifiers for easy integration with SwiftUI
Useful extensions for Apple's Core Image framework
Swift Package for Server-Side and Command-Line Access to CloudKit Web Services
michael-valdron / pcloud-go
Forked from yanmhlv/pcloudgolang api for pcloud
A Swift version of IKImageViewDemo
Swift for Arm64/aarch64 Servers and SBC's - Rock64, RaspberryPi3 and many more
HTMX, WebAssembly, Rust, ServiceWorkers
CaddyTailor is a framework to build themes using template function provided by the Caddy web server
Examples demonstrating various aspects of the Hummingbird swift server framework
NozeIO / MicroExpress
Forked from helje5/MicroExpressA micro web server framework on top of Swift NIO
Extension for Apple's Photos.app that allows non-destructive editing of raw files in Adobe Camera Raw
A Server application built using SwiftNIO. `niots` works as an echo server, but modifies the text before sending it back to the client.
An HTTP protocol implementation (an `NWProtocolFramer`) and a tiny HTTP server for Network.framework
The Swift SDK to work with the App Store Connect API from Apple.
A WordPress framework that facilitates the development of WP themes
A free, open source, Bootstrap admin theme created by Start Bootstrap