Unity 2021.3.XXXX LTS (install unity hub, then install 2021.3....)
need to setup virtual enviroment (venv) manually using https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-3913/ (python 3.9 64bit) OBS: MÅSTE VARA 3.9! du kan ha mer än en version installerad samtidigt så det borde inte fucka nått annat.
in cmd:
cd C:...\coolt-neuralt-natverk
../..python39xx/Python.exe -m venv venv
cd C:...\coolt-neuralt-natverk...\venv\Scripts\
then inside venv: pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio //eller installera med cuda (jag körde v11.8) om du kan och fattar vad det innebär
pip install mlagents
pip install onnx
verify with: mlagents-learn --help
probably need to downgrade protobuff with pip: pip install protobuf==3.20
simple tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPFU30tbyKs&ab_channel=CodeMonkey
In cmd venv before training and running play in unity: mlagents-learn --run-id=nameOfChoice (if you're just testing an already trained model dont do this)
To plot results: tensorboard --logdir results
@article{juliani2020, title={Unity: A general platform for intelligent agents}, author={Juliani, Arthur and Berges, Vincent-Pierre and Teng, Ervin and Cohen, Andrew and Harper, Jonathan and Elion, Chris and Goy, Chris and Gao, Yuan and Henry, Hunter and Mattar, Marwan and Lange, Danny}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1809.02627}, year={2020} }
@article{cohen2022, title={On the Use and Misuse of Abosrbing States in Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning}, author={Cohen, Andrew and Teng, Ervin and Berges, Vincent-Pierre and Dong, Ruo-Ping and Henry, Hunter and Mattar, Marwan and Zook, Alexander and Ganguly, Sujoy}, journal={RL in Games Workshop AAAI 2022}, year={2022} }