Document MacBook configuration
Repeating characters:
defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false
Switch keyboard layouts: ctrl +
Copy and paste from the terminal:
pbcopy and pbpaste
Clocker app for improved timezone viewing
GnuPG issues:
Put hard disks to sleep when possible: Only on Battery
Wake for network access: Only on Power Adapter
Optimize video streaming while on battery: True
Profiles > Colors > toggle on "Smart box cursor color"
- Mouse events are not enabled by default:
Devices -> check Mouse events
- Remap
- Remap
- Perform
after detaching - When killing the last pane in a session, switch to the previous session
- Auto-name new sessions to their index
- When creating a new window, do it from the current path
- Go to definition on a new file
- Refactor files -> tpope/vim-eunuch
: should also have the option to send results to a QuickList
- Delete whole (non-empty) directories
: Displays hover information about the symbol under the cursor in a floating window. Calling the function twice will jump into the floating window.- TODO How to indicate there are more docs to be shown?
- Kickstart
- Reddit: Nvim suggestions for Python development
- Nvim for beginners: refactoring'
- nvim-lspconfig: pylsp
- One Dark
- One Dark Nvim
- Tokyo Night
- Solarized
- Solarized colors
- Solarized Nvim
- Color buddy
- Material
- Nebulous
- Material theme
- Coolors
- iTerm2 Material Design
- match jsx/tsx component bracket