A tool to monitor changes to your files, directories.
- Installl Python 2.7 or higher.
- Install Pip (recommend) or Easy Install (package manager for Python).
For Ubuntu/Debian
sudo apt-get install python-pip
For Fedora/Centos
sudo yum -y install python-pip
For Windows
- Install Requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run and Enjoy it!
- Create Project to monitor a folder
python udetect.py create projectname /path/directory_need_monitor/
- Configuration
email = [email protected]
smtp_pass = noP@ssW0rd
smtp_port = 587
smtp_server = smtp.gmail.com
email_default = [email protected] // if project 's email is default, Udetect will use this field to replace[atom]
enable = 1 //enable = 1, disable = 0
white_ext = * // manage extensions exclusions. Ex: .txt .tmp
white_dir = * // manage folders, files exclusions. Ex: /home/tester/test/logs/ /home/tester/test/cache/
email = default // When detect changes to files, folder, Udetect send alert to this email, set default to use email_default 's value
type = fast //fast, full
- Run manual (or use Crontab on Linux)
python udetect.py start
- If no use email, can view log file to get informations. All logs saved into log folder (log/udetect.log)
Homepage: http://uns.vn
Q&A: http://uns.vn/qaa/
Email: [email protected]